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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by Kynlees_Mommy

Q: Since I had toxemia with my first pregnancy.. Do I have more of a chance of getting it again?

I had toxemia with my first pregnancy and had to have her at 36 weeks.. I was miserable!! Since I had it with the first pregnancy will I automatically get it again? Do I have more of a chance of developing it again this time? Im still very early in this pregnancy (almost 11 weeks) but I am terrified I will develop it again.. Anyone have experience with this?

This question was asked Dec. 4, 2012 8:39pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by stephpan - Dec. 17, 2012 8:36pm
I don't have any experience with it personally - but I know one of the risk factors for preclampsia/toxemia is having had it before...

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