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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by LorraineP18

Q: 20 weeks pregnant. No job. To apply anyway?

I am desperate to work and have been looking since we got back from travelling. I then found out I was pregnant. I am now 20 weeks pregnant and had no luck with work so far. I am so bored and lonely and want to just get out there. My husband works and think he's just accepted that I'm just not going to work. Worth keep on applying? Even if it's in a grocery store. Or should I just accept it?

This question was asked Jan. 9, 2013 9:55am
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by janastep73 - Jan. 9, 2013 4:12pm
If your husband is working and has insurance benefits, can you see if there are any temp agencies that are hiring around where you are? That way you could maybe try to find some shorter assignments without risk of being laid off. Otherwise if you work somewhere as a full time employee you may risk getting let go when you go out on maternity leave since you wouldn't have been there a year and won't qualify for FMLA (this happened to me with my first child).

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Answered by kelsamagoo - Jan. 10, 2013 7:58pm
You may just want to wait until after the baby has had a chance to settle in. After all, many work places have such a short amount of maternity leave. As someone who HAS to work but wants to be a stay-home mom, I envy you that your husband can provide enough for you to do that. Sure it's not for everyone, but wait til you meet your baby for the first time...you may find you never want to hand your baby over to daycare or a nanny and risk missing that first step.

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Answered by nesssicle - Jan. 9, 2013 3:27pm
Im in the same boat as you. I'm 16 weeks pregnant and i got laid off right when i found out i was pregnant and have been applying for jobs ever since. DH has pretty much accepted that i wont be working also, but i know every bit of money helps. I'm also going stir crazy inside the house all day!

I say keep applying. That's what am going to do. I know you can only hide that belly so long, but its worth a shot. Being pregnant doesn't take away your abilities as a functioning member of society, but the people that do the hiring seem to think so. Hopefully someone will take the chance! GOOD LUCK!

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 9, 2013 4:56pm
Honestly, most people aren't gonna wanna hire a person who is just gonna be leaving for maternity leave in a few months anyways, so they just won't hire. But sometimes there are places that don't mind. My friend was about 16 weeks when she was applying for job, had a belly cause it was her second child, and they hired her. So I say keep trying, but don't get your hopes up too high. I'm in the same boat, my boyfriend works but I don't and we live in a small town where we only have one grocery store because it's so small so chances are, I won't get one. Especially since I've been applying places for three years now. :-( Good luck and I hope that you can get something.

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Answered by LorraineP18 - Jan. 9, 2013 10:44pm
Aw, your responses are much appreciated and thanks for the confidence boost. I know it's a long shot but if I give up I think I'll fall into a deeper hole. To those of you not working either, it's hard eh but I guess I believe things have a way of working themselves out and well, work might not be in a court but we have BABY baking- nothing beats that! :-D

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