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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by -Lee-B

Q: Belly Flopped :-(

No horror stories needed. Just telling my story.
My iron has been low, I've been exhausted. We decided to paint baby room this weekend, which basically kept us busy all weekend, yesterday after work we came home and moved all the baby furniture back. I was exhausted. Right after, I saw the bed and just leaped belly first onto it. Completely forgetting I was 28 weeks pregnant!

It hurt. Not like super pain but an awkward feeling all over. I seriously felt like everything was shoved up under my ribs. My belly after seemed smaller and more jelly like. I could pinch an inch and poke it and it was loose. Normally it is firm and tight!

I was slightly panicked but waited it out, monitoring. I could soon feel baby move. But, she was kicking in different spots, I think she flipped upside down! She is always head down and kicks by my ribs. By bedtime my belly was getting back to usual. This morning it is back to hard, firm belly and the usual constant kicking.

So dumb of me!

This question was asked Jan. 22, 2013 8:06pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by a member - Jan. 22, 2013 9:26pm
I did not the same thing when I was 28 weeks along But I was playing with my daughter and It scared the crap out of me and I was like oh my gosh But when I went to my next appointment they said when I did that I just push every thing up wards and to the side and she did u/s on me and she was head up and her heart beat was great.. I felt so stupied. Glad every thing is okay... Have a healthy pregnancy

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