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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by jspencer73

Q: Anyone had to take a 24 hour urine test?

I was wondering if anyone has had to take a 24 hour urine test due to protein showing up on urine strip and high blood pressure at weekly appointment ? Did your test come back okay? How long did it take to receive your results?

I went to the doctors Tuesday and was told I had protein in my urine and high blood pressure. I have been feeling extreamly fatigue like coma fatigue, extreamly nautious, hot flashes at night, and was told my filopian tubes were swollen as well. So they drew blood for tests. Im not sure what they were testing for. Anyone know? Then given the lovely jug to tinkle in which I shall be turning in tomorrow at 10am. Im just slightly worried. Anyone experience anything similar to me?

This question was asked Aug. 15, 2013 12:41am
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by jspencer73 - Aug. 22, 2013 9:29pm
Thank you ladies ! The results came back and im all good :) Wooh! That was a close one. Good luck to the rest of you <3

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Answered by lilsunshine22 - Aug. 22, 2013 3:42pm
My sister in law just had to do this test, and she had to take a blood pressure medication. She got her results back the next day, and she is doing great. Your doctor may have you record your BP at home for a few days also, just to make sure the medication is working properly. I would say just relax, if you don't exercise much now, try to start, and lay off salt (if this applies to you). Also, the medication is totally safe for you and baby. Good luck hun!!

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Answered by sweetdreamz420 - Aug. 22, 2013 8:12am
I just had to do this yesterday! My OB/GYN said i do have high blood pressure so she put me on blood pressure pills. Get ready to feel like crap all the time. I hate those pills. They give you headaches and you just feel so, Blah all the time. Sorry but ugh...it sucks.

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Answered by BabyBlessed91 - Aug. 15, 2013 3:59am
Here is a link of symptoms of Preeclampsia.. if you have some of these make sure you call your doc..


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Answered by BabyBlessed91 - Aug. 15, 2013 3:57am
they are testing for preeclampsia. I had this. It can be a really scary disease. It just depends on how severe your specific case is. I don't want to scare you. My best friend went in for her 32 week appt and she tested positive for protein so she had to pee in that little jug for 24 hrs. Her levels were low and never rose. She carried her son to 38 weeks. My case was a completely different story. My bp was high and I had protein in my urine at 35 weeks. My first preeclampsia sign that was way above normal was my uric acid levels (12). I had my son the next day by emergency c-section. My bp got up to 180/120 and my liver swelled. I have a healthy 16 month old son and I am just fine and pregnant with #2. Just make sure you keep on your doc if think something is wrong. Preeclampsia is a very very serious condition. My son and I almost didn't make it but I had an amazing OB. The outcome for preeclampsia is good as long as you are treated properly. It sounds like your doc is on it. :)

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Answered by savyrose27 - Aug. 15, 2013 3:03am
They are testing for preeclampsia. I don't have any experience with this as I've never had trouble with protein or high blood pressure but I do know preeclampsia can be dangerous in some cases. If you have sudden swelling be sure to call your doctor immediately.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Aug. 15, 2013 2:50am
They were going to in my pregnancy with my 6 year old but I got put on bed rest at the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks before that. They collected my urine daily and wouldn't induce even though my protein levels were through the roof.

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