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Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

Asked by queenbee1

Q: Hard belly above belly button and constant full feeling 13 weeks!?


I'm 13 weeks pregnant tomorrow and for about the last week I have had a constant full feeling, I will be starving for food and then when I get to eat I feel full after a couple of fork fulls. I know the baby isn't big enough to be taking all the room up for food so don't understand why I constantly feel full even when I'm starving????
Also another thing is when I do eat, afterwards all above my belly button and under my breasts feels as hard as anything to touch and to look at me anyone would think I was 20 weeks pregnant! And again I know it isn't the baby above my belly button as its still quite low down but low down feels soft!? Getting to the point where il be in a restaurant and have to undo my bra to let my food go down?

Thanks everyone :-)

This question was asked Mar. 2, 2014 3:19pm
Category: Symptoms & Discomforts

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Answered by Tina37 - Mar. 8, 2014 7:46pm
This is normal especially if its your second baby the baby is high in the beginning and at about 20 weeks will lower into the abdominal area dont worry no medicine needed just alot of aches and pains to come .

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Answered by mommy2bof3 - Mar. 4, 2014 9:41pm
I would try pepcid. sounds like intestional issues.

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Answered by Angela18 - Mar. 3, 2014 4:29am
I'm not sure if I'll be much help but you may just have some GI issues while pregnant. For example, I was recently diagnosed with IBS and with the pregnancy I'm a lot more uncomfortable and bloated. Bloating can cause what you are describing. I get that also to where I can't eat much but feel so full I'm almost light headed. Also when you go to the bathroom, are you emptying enough? Even if you are but are getting bad bloat that could cause what you are feeling either way. I find that probiotics (good probiotics) help me a bit. Hang in there and if you are concerned it's something else you may want to ask your doc. ;)

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