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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by Sunny33

Q: Maternity leave

When are other people going to start their maternity leave? I was thinking around 36 weeks but I'm not sure I can last that long lol I don't think I can keep up at work.

This question was asked Jul. 26, 2014 4:48pm
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by Addie02 - Aug. 4, 2014 12:11am
Work as long as possible! It might be uncomfortable, but it's better than having to go back to work when you have a teeny newborn to care for. (FWIW, I worked through my due date, though that might not be possible if your workplace needs advance notice).

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Answered by Steph35 - Jul. 30, 2014 2:46am
I worked up until 38 1/2 weeks last time (scheduled section at 39 weeks) and will try my best to do so this time. I'm also a teacher and with limited time off I want to use it after my baby is born. It all depends on your personal situation. My sister-in-law is an occupational therapist and had to stop around 35 weeks with her first because of the physical demands of her job and low fluid levels. She's 33 weeks this time and may have to do so again.

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Answered by BabyClaire11 - Jul. 28, 2014 1:19pm
I'm working up till 39 weeks. One more work here at work... it's definitely uncomfortable but you've gotta do what you've gotta do to get the bills paid!

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Answered by TXkadams - Jul. 27, 2014 8:01pm
I worked up until 2 days before my due date for my first. I have a desk job though and I love it. I wanted to have more time with the baby afterward than using it before. I think this time I'll take a week off before my due date, just to get some more personnel down time to do some extra nesting.

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Answered by sj_sarah - Jul. 27, 2014 1:32am
I worked up to 38 and half weeks. I'm a teacher and wanted to get to the end of term. it did mean I could leave really each day as I didn't have as much work as other teachers who were preparing the new term. I'm bored already waiting for baby! any longer off would be really hard to wait!

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Answered by Rainbowbaby92 - Jul. 26, 2014 9:47pm
I'm finishing at 32 weeks. I'm a vet nurse so 12hr shifts on my feet all day lucky to get a break.. I've also got a bad ankle injury from 8 weeks ago and I'm still finding it really painful and it's a slow recovery.. I'll probably do a little bit of supervision of the clinic while my boss is away (32-36 weeks) and then call it quits.

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Answered by bkaufma3 - Jul. 26, 2014 8:19pm
It depends on what you do for work.. plus how you're feeling and how swollen you are. If you're on your feet all the time you might stop working around 36-37 weeks. I make my own schedule at my job and I'm just going to people's homes to visit them or sitting in an office on the computer. I'm 36 weeks now and plan to stop working during my 40th week 3 days before my due date. The less time I take off before baby is born, the more I get with her after she's born. The decision is different for everyone. Congrats and good luck.

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