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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by Emerald1

Q: I'm 13 weeks when do you start feeling the baby kick or move ?

When do you actually start feeling the baby move around at how many weeks?

This question was asked Sep. 1, 2014 3:22am
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by TXkadams - Sep. 2, 2014 10:10pm
With first, felt it at 12 weeks. Second felt it at 11 weeks. Those early movements are very slight and I feel them when I'm sitting still. Sit down to type at the computer, driving, or laying in bed first thing in the morning. Try drinking a really cold glass of water all at once then sitting down in a quite room on the couch and leaning back a little. That always got my first wiggling.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Sep. 2, 2014 8:42am
With my first I was 23 weeks.

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Answered by mummynbaby - Sep. 2, 2014 8:27am
My doctor says that it is felt earlier when you give birth before. My first and 2nd, it was around 16 weeks. Now that I am carrying my 3rd, I felt if from 10 weeks onwards...

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Answered by estone - Sep. 2, 2014 4:23am
Week 18 with my first and week 17 with my second.

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Answered by Wildflower73 - Sep. 1, 2014 6:38pm
With my 1st pregnancy I felt the baby move at 13-14 weeks. Around 12-13 weeks with 2nd baby. And it's been the same for me with my other pregnancies 12-14 weeks.

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Answered by running19 - Sep. 1, 2014 4:53pm
For me, with my 4th it was about 12 weeks that I started feeling baby once or twice a day. For my sister, with her pregnancy (1st) it was 25 weeks, but that was due in large part to an anterior placenta (placenta on the front of the uterus, which can delay when you feel the baby.

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Sep. 1, 2014 4:06pm
4th pregnancy for me. I felt movement at 12 weeks. Then nothing for a while. Now I feel the baby every 2-3 days and I am 14 weeks.

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Answered by Sianny - Sep. 1, 2014 6:36am
My first was about 18 week and this was about 14 weeks although I wasn't fully convinced until the end of the 15th week.

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Answered by Jessica0319 - Sep. 1, 2014 5:30am
Is this your first pregnancy? I think with first pregnancies it's a little later, between 18-20 weeks. I am on my third pregnancy and I felt my baby move at 14 weeks and 4 days this time. The first 2 were 18 weeks and then 19 weeks.

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