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Category: Prenatal Testing

Asked by dorac113

Q: Is 2cm too small for 9 weeks? Doc cannot detect heartbeat.

Hi, I'm little confused that my doctor has said my baby has stopped developing at 6-7 weeks. The little one is 8 weeks 5 days and measured 2cm now but doctor said to expect miscarriage. I am trying to be to be hopeful cuz from I read here and other websites, it seems the size is alright and heartbeat can still appear... or maybe I'm reading too many miracles stories...

This question was asked Dec. 6, 2014 5:59am
Category: Prenatal Testing

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Answered by dorac113 - Dec. 6, 2014 8:00am
Thanks both. No blood test was ordered. I will go in as you suggested to do it and know in couple days rather a week out. Doctor suggested if I didn't bleed to go in another week and he can measure the growth again. But I do want to find out asap. Thanks again for your answer and support.

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Answered by stickybean1976 - Dec. 6, 2014 7:56am
Hi there, I just checked my 9 week scan and I was 9w and a couple of days and CRL was 2.78cm so your measurements are correct for 9 weeks, but there should be a heartbeat. I would ask your doctor to draw bloods and then again 48hrs later as said by Nunchuk so then at least you know one way or another instead of waiting for a m/c or hoping.
If they told you the baby stopped growing at 6-7 weeks , it may not be promising as even if you ovulated a little later your ovulation dates wouldn't be 2-3 weeks out. I am very sorry, this is the most awful situation, I have had 4 losses after seeing heartbeats and 3 d&c surgeries in 12mths before this pregnancy. If you need support I am here anytime.

I would still hold onto hope until those blood draws after all hope is all we have in this situation, I always had hope each and every time I had this situation. Best of luck, prayers and hugs x

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Answered by Nunchuk - Dec. 6, 2014 6:32am
Do you know for sure you are as far along as you thought? Have you seen a heartbeat prior to this?

Sorry if this ends up in a loss, the same happened for me during my previous pregnancy, so I'm really hoping your dates are just off and that you are a little further behind than thought. I have my fingers crossed for you!

Have they done bloodwork to monitor your hcg levels? If they are dropping, it indicates a miscarriage. If they double, the pregnancy can still possibly be viable.

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