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Category: Newly Pregnant

Asked by Kate0406

Q: Peach discharge equals miscarriage?

This morning I saw some light peach discharge on my toilet paper. No real cramps. I'm 5w 3days. Now I'm worried if this could be the beginning of a miscarriage. I've had brown discharge with both of my boys so that was pretty much the normal but peach, no. Then like 30mins later I threw up so I definitely still have some kind of morning sickness. I've never had a miscarriage so I don't know if I should be worried or not.

This question was asked Feb. 23, 2015 4:45pm
Category: Newly Pregnant

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Answered by monroezelda - Feb. 24, 2015 12:39am
Can I just add though I miscarried at 11 weeks still had sore boobs an still throwing up everyday an my baby had been dead since week 9. Pregnancy symptoms still go on for awhile. I would get checked out just for your peace of mind love as everyone on here will have good or bad experiences. X

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Answered by Kate0406 - Feb. 24, 2015 3:51pm
Thanks all for comments. I had the discharge until a little after noon but there was only a little when i wiped, i mean the tiniest amount. It has completely stopped. No cramping, like the dull ache I had yesterday. So we shall see what today brings. Sorry monro for your loss.

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Answered by Bumpin4Baby - Feb. 23, 2015 10:10pm
I wouldn't worry unless it turned into red blood, and even then it might not be anything serious. It doesn't take much blood at all to tint your discharge and with you being 5w 3d it could very well just be left over implantation bleeding or maybe the baby is burrowing deeper. My doc told me that you can see old implantation blood even at the beginning of your 2nd trimester, although I personally think that is pushing it. I had 2 episodes of bright red blood this pregnancy. Once during constipated BM and once after sex. Put yourself on pelvic rest for a couple of days to be on the safe side and if no blood, then no worries! Prayers for you.

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Answered by Kate0406 - Feb. 23, 2015 5:32pm

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Answered by Kate0406 - Feb. 23, 2015 5:34pm
This totally sucks.. I know my OB won't be able to do anything if I am. I do have slight cramps but not any different than I've been having during my whole pregnancy.

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Answered by cosmoholic - Feb. 23, 2015 6:11pm
I can't answer for peach coloured discharge exactly but wanted to share my experience from this pregnancy just as an example that not all discharge is necessarily bad or means the worst.

I had two episode of bleeding this pregnancy - once at 5 weeks and once at 6 weeks. I even had clots the second time. It was terrifying, but I'm now 30 weeks along and my baby girl seems to be doing just fine.

I'd recommend talking to your doctor and getting your hcg levels checked - especially if the discharge continues or if it progresses to red blood. It may be too early for them to see anything definitive on an ultrasound, but if you get two sets of hcg levels drawn it'll give them a good idea whether or not your numbers are doubling appropriately. I know it's hard to do, but try not to stress - it's not good for you or your little one.

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Answered by Kate0406 - Feb. 23, 2015 6:17pm
Thanks cosmo

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Answered by BMA625 - Feb. 23, 2015 5:31pm
Kate- Are you taking any progesterone vaginal suppositories? The reason I ask is because I had peach discharge in my first pregnancy, and it freaked me out! Wasn't sure if you were taking that or not?

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Answered by monroezelda - Feb. 25, 2015 11:20am
Thanks, hope All goes well For you,
. X

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Answered by monroezelda - Feb. 24, 2015 12:37am
I had this at 5 weeks I went for a scan at 5 weeks 4days an we seen baby heartbeat, the lady said its old implantaion bleed.

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