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Joined Aug. 14, 2018 7:58pm

ericalee2's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 27, 2019
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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My Baby Photos

Photo Date: August 8, 2019
By ericalee2 » Posted Aug. 8, 2019 3:34pm - 1038 views - 2 comments

All 3 of our kiddos on a trip to visit Daddy at work! L-R Ellison(4y), Niko (4 mo), Enzo (2.5y)

Comments for this Baby Photo

Comment from calvingirl » Posted Aug. 13, 2019 3:56pm
So cute!! What a beautiful family!

Comment from FlamingoGirl13 » Posted Aug. 12, 2019 4:03pm
Oh my goodness! So much cuteness in one photo!

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