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itsbeans's Pregnancy

My Due Date: July 3, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old

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Monthly Appointment
By itsbeans » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 12:52pm - 588 views - 8 comments

I'm a little annoyed and I'm not sure with whom. I'm annoyed with myself, I guess because weight gain is my fault, but at the same time I'm a little annoyed with how this doctor (I hadn't seen her before today) handled the situation. She says I gained 6 pounds this month. First, I don't believe that number, my scale says 2 pounds, AND this is not the same office or scale in which I was weighed last time, AND last time I was fasting for a glucose test and hadn't had anything to eat or drink in over 10 hours whereas this time I had just had breakfast and a liter of water. That being said she wouldn't have been happy with the 2 pounds either, I was told I'm only allowed 5 pounds the entire pregnancy. Fat chance of that happening but I guess I'll try. She kind of implied that all I do is sit on my ass eating gobs of sugar watching TV. I walk 2-5 miles (depending on the cold) every day and other than Christmas I have been really good about limiting sweets particularly since they have me convinced I have diabetes! Ugh so annoyed!

On the positive side I don't have to re-do my glucose test until 26 weeks, which is much better than having to do it again in 4 weeks. I was not looking forward to that and now at least it's further out.

Everything else is fine. I'm just annoyed!

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from itsbeans » Posted Jan. 6, 2015 2:16pm
I'm not convinced that weight they got yesterday is accurate compared with the weight at the previous visit. The scale in the other office is a nice new digital scale, this one is an ancient counter balance type thing. My scale indicated a 2lb gain yesterday (today it actually says 0, I'm thinking I was retaining a bit of water from a pizza indulgence at a birthday party this weekend) I'm not following her "instructions" other than to continue to eat predominately as I have been, and to continue to exercise. I'm just going to try to avoid seeing that particular doctor again if I can help it.

Comment from cosmoholic » Posted Jan. 6, 2015 12:37pm
Any way you can get a second opinion?

I'm overweight as well and when I asked my midwife about how much weight I should be gaining during the pregnancy she said that it didn't REALLY matter as long as 1) the baby was growing at an appropriate rate, and 2) I was making good food choices and getting all the nutrients and minerals I needed.

Comment from Papas~Mama » Posted Jan. 6, 2015 12:13pm
All I know is that it's very important to eat enough calories to feed your baby and make sure they are very well nourished. It's not necessarily true that "baby takes everything they need from Mom" because if it's not there to take, it doesn't happen. I personally think it's awful to tell any woman to "diet" during their pregnancy. Exercise is another story, but still, exercising burns off calories that the baby may need. I don't completely understand the specifications for a woman who's overweight when they get pregnant, but even more so I don't understand telling a woman to not make sure they eat enough to nourish their baby! Improper nutrition can cause premature labor and all sorts of problems. Anyways, I'm not a doctor, but from what I've seen and read, that doctor's instructions make no sense to me. Have a healthy pregnancy and baby:)

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 5:46pm
Oh I forgot to mention I'm 5ft8

Comment from stickybean1976 » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 5:43pm
Hi I have no idea how many kilos/pounds you weigh, sorry we don't do pounds I have to look it up. It sounds like they are very insensitive as you already know and say you are over weight. Hey I'm over weight also with my first pregnancy when I was 30yrs once I gave birth to her I had lost 23kgs approx 50 pounds that was just eating no bad food. I was around 90kgs (198 pounds) which is what I'm back to now after 7yrs I've put it back on I'm 38yrs. But it looks like I'm losing it again the same way. Well I hope so.
I think all you can do it eat healthy and a little excersise which is what you are doing. I think doctors are a bit mean about it just for your own safety and the babies. Know you are doing all you can and ignore those meanies. Xx

Comment from itsbeans » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 1:36pm
I usually don't see this doctor, she's part of a group practice that my regular doctor is part of. I made sure I will not be seeing her next time and if I can avoid it hopefully never!

Yep 5 pounds total because I am considerably overweight, I get that, but the internet says 11-20 which I'm more comfortable with. I'm pretty sure I can't make just 5 pounds unless they want me to considerably restrict my calories, the only time I've ever been able to lose weight has been on really really restrictive diets, and essentially with telling me to only gain 5 pounds they want me to be under my starting weight after delivery. I don't know!

Comment from ericalee » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 1:27pm
FIVE pounds? The entire pregnancy? I think I have gained almost that amount in my boobs. That seems a little crazy. It's hard enough to watch the scale go up sometimes, but to have someone talk down to you about it... it's too much. Try to forget what your doctor is saying. If you are walking that much and you feel good about your diet that is all you can do!

Comment from Quartz3 » Posted Jan. 5, 2015 1:24pm
Wow, that's an insensitive doctor. Any chance you could switch?

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