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sunshinebear711's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 15, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 43 years old

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My Journal

Update: 6 weeks
By sunshinebear711 » Posted Sep. 17, 2016 12:49am - 1037 views - 3 comments

Piglet is now 6 weeks old. His big sister still loves him to pieces and I have to keep her off him. He still is eating every 2 hours and my boobs still hurt. He sleeps sometimes in his room, but most of the night is spent on me.

He has reflux and the meds seem to be helping as the spit up is less.

I am curious as to when breastfed babies start to spread out their feedings as I can't do anything with him eating every two hours. This is also leading to other questions.

Is it just anxiety or PPD that I don't want to go anywhere because I am terrified of nursing in public? I am terrified that someone is going to confront me about it and I would rather stay home. Husband wants to go apple picking tomorrow, but he is making it this whole thing and we'd be out of the house for hours and I just get so worried and antsy about having to nurse. Yes I have been pumping and have milk set aside, but that is for when I am back at work.....

I dont know if this is something I should worry about. If he ate more like...3-4 hours apart I don't think it would be such an issue.... this every two hours is so hard and I can't sleep either....

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from nreiselpn » Posted Sep. 17, 2016 3:26pm
Just assholes I'm not pressuring you formula is a great alternative however if you have your heart set on breastfeeding do it. It does get way easier as the babe grows....and for those who are negative screw um even family my dad was weird and would make comments about me bf I would usually shot back a comment that would shut him up "are you going to pay for the formula " I know my mom would ask if I was done yet all the time simply because she wanted to give him a bottle which I figured out and would pump one for her...... only u know what's right for you two

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Sep. 17, 2016 1:31pm
Today he is barely eating. Today it is little 5-10 minute snacks and then passing out for 5-10 minutes and then waking up to quietly watch everything. Also lots of smiles. Did swaddle him and put him down for a nap about an hour and a half ago.... but now I'm worried about him not eating....ugh

I've nursed in public a handful of times with him. At the park was ok, but at this one restaurant it was just so uncomfortable I would up in the bathroom and both of us were stressed so after about 10 minutes I just left and came home and fed him there.... doesn't help my MIL makes comments about switching to formula and my dad makes comments about me nursing at their house... :-(

Comment from nreiselpn » Posted Sep. 17, 2016 1:26pm
Please don't isolate your self in fear of stupid people as hard as it is whip that boob out and feed away .... I have bf 4 babies so far and plan on doing the same with this one. The more I have fed the more comfortable iv become feeding in public. After reading stories about women being harassed for feeding in public I am actually excited for the day someone says something to me they are going to be in for it.....lol good luck to you momma.....

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