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Joined Jan. 4, 2014 5:00pm

Jessie22's Pregnancy

My Due Date: September 16, 2014
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 38 years old
Location: Madison, United States

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My Journal

4 weeks - early but feeling it!
By Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 8, 2014 4:42pm - 258 views - 3 comments

This is my first journal entry on this site! I was almost too scared to write anything before today because getting a BFP at 9DPO just made me worried it would turn out to be chemical. Luckily, those little lines have been getting darker ever since (yes, I'm a POAS addict hehe) and I feel a little bit better about saying that I am in fact PREGNANT! :)

Since I got my BFP, I've been noticing little things. I wondered if some of it was in my head, but I know for sure some of it is definitely real. Here's what I've felt so far:
- Super sore nipples: definitely not kidding that they will get sore, whew!
- Tender boobs: it's not too bad, but I've noticed they are a bit fuller and more tender
- Mild cramps/pressure: This comes and goes. I will say this morning I felt like I'd done about 100 sit ups, but of course haven't done one lol.
- Bleeding gums: This is a totally new thing for me and may be what really made me think that it's true, I'm really pregnant. I only noticed when I brushed my teeth this morning and it totally caught me by surprise!
- Heartburn: Just a little bit, and I've noticed it in the early afternoon. This is the third day, and it's a little bit worse each day. At first I thought I was just wishing symptoms upon myself, but I know what heartburn is and yup - it's here!
- Strange appetite: I can normally eat all the time, but lately I've had just a weird appetite. I've noticed most cheeses, which I usually LOVE, taste sour to me. I'm not really that hungry, and when I get hungry, I eat a little bit then I feel full/almost nauseous. Even my good friend says she's never seen me be this picky or eat so slowly lol.

As uncomfortable as I've been lately, I honestly don't mind it. It's just a little reassurance that I'm pregnant and my body is working super hard. Just keeping my fingers crossed that everything keeps going well and I make it to my 8 week appointment without stressing too much. :)

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Krod0519 » Posted Jan. 8, 2014 6:40pm
I am going to mark it on my calendar! I hope the month flies by! I am also seeing my dr on the 21st so I am just as antsy. Better stock up on tums now :)

Comment from Jessie22 » Posted Jan. 8, 2014 5:34pm
Thanks Kristen! :) I happened to like the all caps hehe. My first appt is on January 31st. I'll be 7w2d then - and I can't wait! My husband already made sure he was off work so he can come with me :) So excited we can do this together!

Comment from Krod0519 » Posted Jan. 8, 2014 5:15pm
:) SOO VERY HAPPY FOR YOU JESSIE!!! Oops, I am at owrk, all caps locked haha. I got bleeding gums and sore boobs too! It all comes with the territory. When is your Dr appt? I will count it down with you!! Seeing that little heartbeat is the best feeling ever. I can't wait to see how this journey goes for us!

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