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Joined Dec. 5, 2013 10:43pm

Mommatoboys's Pregnancy

My Due Date: November 29, 2014
I have given birth!
Age: 38 years old

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My Journal

By Mommatoboys » Posted Apr. 3, 2014 8:59am - 407 views - 4 comments

Went to see my doctor yesterday at what should have been 5w4d according to my ovulation date. They did an ultrasound since I've had multiple miscarriages and just had a twin pregnancy in dec that resulted in two blighted ovums. Well yesterday all they saw was one empty sac that measured at 5wks. They wouldn't tell me what my levels were only that they have went up. I have to go back in a week for another scan. I'm trying to be optimistic but I fear it's another blighted ovum. My first set of levels looked so great and I was sure everything would be fine this time. I hate being stuck in this state not knowing. I still have strong pregnancy symptoms which makes this even harder. Last time I started bleeding at 5w4d so I'm one day past that this time but have had cramping and brown spotting. Only time will tell I guess.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Mommatoboys » Posted Apr. 3, 2014 5:24pm
Oh thank you so much I hope mine turns out the same way. With my twin boys the ultrasound was done at 6 1/2 weeks due to bleeding and there was two sacs, babies and heartbeats. My doctor did call me today say that my levels went up the way they should have but if we lose this one he wants to start looking into causes.

Comment from estone » Posted Apr. 3, 2014 3:27pm
at my u/s at 5 weeks 6 days, we only saw a g/s. 2 weeks later, we saw a hb. It's just too early.

Comment from Mommatoboys » Posted Apr. 3, 2014 11:49am
Thank you very much. I really didn't want an ultrasound until about 7wks but it was a new doctor and I guess that's how they do things there. I am glad they do stuff early since with my last doctor it took her forever to do anything. Hope they find something next week. Oh and no they are not doing anymore blood work just using scans.

Comment from ericalee » Posted Apr. 3, 2014 10:53am
I thought 5ish weeks was still pretty iffy to see something via an ultrasound? Especially if the baby implanted a little late and is a few days behind where you are estimating. Are you doing additional blood draws in the meantime to make sure your levels are going up? I'm so sorry you're having to go through this. :( I hope the next week flies by and that you see a perfectly healthy little one in there.

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