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Joined Jul. 1, 2015 6:36pm

Amanda_McDaniel's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 1, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 37 years old

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Losing My Jesus, pt 1
By Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Aug. 25, 2015 7:51pm - 308 views - 0 comments

A little more backstory on me: I was raised in a family of yours, mine, and ours. Both my parents, having already been married and divorced, had two sons apiece and, once they got together, had me. Not to relive all the many dramatics of my childhood but my mother had first married a man with an addictive personality (my meaning is that he had/has a lot of vices) and a tendency to abuse her. Then my father was originally married to a woman who, after having their second child, decided she no longer wanted to be a mother and ditched a two year old and six month old and her husband before taking off with a boyfriend. Neither of my parents are angels but we'll get back to that. As of graduating high school, I see one of my brothers and his wife on a regular basis (each year since they live in Colorado) and they are my children's godparents. Another I see infrequently when he is chasing his sons' tournament team across the state but, after he missed my brain surgery, my wedding, and the birth of his only nephew, I decided he really wasn't worth my time. We're quite congenial when he's around but, otherwise, I don't spare him much thought. I have a third brother whom I have declared, within my mind, deceased. It may sound harsh but he is a convicted felon and drug addict. When I was sixteen, after he'd already done jail time and promised he was cleaning up his act, he moved back home and, while my parents were on a mission trip, shot himself (a flesh wound), told me we were being robbed, had me call 911, ended up getting caught and nearly taking me down with him. Since him, he has stolen from me, been in and out of jail, constantly harasses us, and is scary to be around (6'10", 350lbs of burnt out gorilla). The last of my brothers has recently been my newest pain in the neck. So he lived the last ten years less than an hour away, I can probably count on both hands how many times I've seen him. As of a few years ago, we learned that he was cheating on his wife. While none of our business, it ended badly and my mother and I tried to be there for him. Long story short, he moved in his hoe as soon as his wife was out, then started doing Heaven knows what because he lost his job of ten years, then lost his home to the bank, lost the car, and was soon out of options (few folks want to hire a nearly 40-year-old man who's only credentials are GNC and a stint at Rio Bravo...). Then we learned that his home wrecker was pregnant (this was before I got pregnant). Answer me this: Have you ever met someone and instantly knew they were bad news? I don't mean thuggy attire or teardrop tattoos but there was something in their eyes that made you feel like you'd seen a ghost? I met the hoebag (this is why I give not nice names... I'm usually a considerably nice person) back in 2012 at Christmas time and it didn't take the whole family gathering for me to cling tighter to my son and decide there was something dark inside that girl. While I didn't bother to hide my feelings from my husband, it took my parents' prompting for me to open up to them about my, shall we say, intuition. It was my first time ever feeling something like this... Not hate or fear but... I don't even have a word for it. They immediately dismissed it (she's an ass kisser and my parents love that quality in someone) and called me irrational, jealous (even though I am not particularly attached to most of my siblings), so I just decided to avoid her. Easter 2013 was bad when I refused to attend luncheon because they were coming but, as they often do, they drifted off again and it was all smooth sailing until the recent when my brother's life went to pieces. He and she have since moved in with my drug addict brother who has taken advantage of his brother's past and weakness for medications and ruined his life.

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