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Sailorswife's Pregnancy

My Due Date: March 22, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old

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My Journal

Past Due
By Sailorswife » Posted Mar. 24, 2016 3:14pm - 616 views - 3 comments

Two days past due, and no hint of labor in sight. I had my 40 week appointment this past Tuesday, and the midwife said I was still 3cm dilated, and my cervix was so soft it was like "mush". I've been dilated to 3cm's for three weeks, and my cervix has been soft just as long. It can't get any softer now. The issue is my cervix is still so long and thick, and though baby has been head down a couple of weeks, she hasn't been trying to make her way downward, so she isn't applying pressure to my cervix so that it can thin out a stretch. My midwife had planned to sweep my membranes at this last appointment to help get labor started, but my membranes are so high she can't even reach them. I've spent everyday since my appointment standing, walking, or sitting on my yoga ball. Lying down only when I go to bed. My feet and back hurt. Last night was a full moon and I was hopeful that for once a wives tale would be true, but nope, here I sit. My husband and I had sex this morning, and I've been drinking my Raspberry Leaf tea. I haven't had many contractions, they've been pretty normal, and don't know what else I can do to get her to do what she's supposed to. My daughter has been looking forward to wearing a matching dress with her baby sister for Easter and Easter pictures, and everyday her sister doesn't make an appearance the sadder she grows. I can't even believe I made it this far considering my original due date was March 10th, which was pushed back to the 22nd due to baby measuring small on her first ultrasound. I'm growing frustrated, not because I'm past my due date, I can handle that. Carrying her hasn't been very uncomfortable like my other two were. I'm frustrated because I've done so much to have a natural birth in a birthing center. Attending 6 weeks of classes, logging every food I've eaten during this pregnancy and making sure to eat the right things so I didn't go over my calories, or gain too much weight, which can risk you out of being able to birth in a midwifery birthing center. Paying $600 out of pocket for Doula's to be there to coach me and help me make it through the labor process medication free. Make it all the way to this point without GD's or high blood pressure, gained only about 23-25 lbs, and now I may have to deliver in labor and delivery hooked up to freaking pitocin (I hated being hooked up to it with my son, and now there is a possible evidence linking it to Aspergers which my son was diagnosed with when he was 10, which is why I'm trying to avoid it so bad), or end up getting a c-section because she is sitting so high and her amniotic fluid might be low by the time they evict her from my womb. AHHHHHHHHH! That's how I feel, AHHHHHHHH! I wouldn't be freaking out if baby was at least making her way downward, or showing some progress over the last three weeks. It just goes to show, babies don't give a lick what you want, they are going to do what they want.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from josamarie » Posted Mar. 24, 2016 9:29pm
I'm so sorry things aren't progressing, there's still time though! Thinking of you and sending lots of natural labor dust your way!

Comment from Cattsmeow » Posted Mar. 24, 2016 9:25pm
I'm sorry that you're going through this. It's frustrating.

Have you tried doing squats at all? I know it is not easy, but when I went overdue with my oldest, squats helped him move down, as did getting on my hands and knees with my chest low against the floor and rocking my hips.

I hope your little one comes soon and you can have your unmedicated birth.

Comment from Amanda_McDaniel » Posted Mar. 24, 2016 5:19pm
Aw, honey, I'm so sorry things aren't progressing as you had hoped. I know how you feel and I'll keep you in my prayers.

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