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Joined Oct. 3, 2017 10:12am

alymarie6388's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 29, 2018
I have given birth!
Age: 35 years old
Location: Alliance, United States

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Second Trimester, OH how happy I am to see you!
By alymarie6388 » Posted Nov. 29, 2017 11:08am - 259 views - 1 comment

Yesterday, according to my Ovia Pregnancy App, I have a troll doll! haha! I'm so thrilled to be in the second trimester. We get to tell my in-laws on December 9th and I can't wait. It's getting harder and harder to hide. I'm nervous about picking up my brother in law from the airport the day before we reveal. I'm getting quite large...although it still looks like fluff a little bit.
We have an appointment tonight with my new OB. I switched because my old one doesn't deliver and would have transferred me at 32 weeks and that made me uncomfortable. I'm really hoping that Meatball gives me a good potty shot today. Pumba is beyond antsy to do the gender reveal. He decided he wants to blow things up and we find out that way. I think he just wants to make things go BOOM but whatever. Boys. lol I haven't seen my little Meatball since 7 weeks, I heard the heartbeat at 10, and s/he is super active so I'm excited!!
I have random freak outs every now and then. I'll see a commercial about families or babies and then I start panicking thinking about how drastically life is going to change. For awhile it was "Yay! A tiny human that looks like me and Pumba!" now it's "Oh shit. A tiny human that I need to keep alive...and not screw up....they're screwed with me for a mom...they'll be anything but normal. shit. shit. shit." And then tears. I think it's because I can't begin to imagine all of the changes and I'm a planner. I can't plan for what I don't know about, ya know? Please tell me I'm not the only one terrified of screwing my kid up!
I also had a break down the other night. I got a text from my ex's cousin asking if I was pregnant. As it's been a pretty well kept secret, I was obviously upset that someone that knows is telling people. Turns out my ex-father in law that I still talk to had lunch with my ex (first time in a year) and told him. My ex then proceeds to inform his entire family at Thanksgiving dinner. I was SOOOO pissed. This man put me through hell and he now knows and decided to shout it to everyone that hates me. What. The. Actual. Fuck. The step mom half assed apologized...it was very condescending and said "well he'd have found out eventually". I told Pumba and he was obviously upset as well. He was very supportive of my relationship with my ex-FIL in the past but we're both thinking that it is coming to an end. I can't trust that more information about me, Meatball, or Pumba won't get passed to that drug-head. I also can't trust that if they were ever to babysit that he wouldn't be around my child. Hell to the FUCK no. I don't want him anywhere near my child and family. Pumba would quite literally end up in the orange jumpsuit instead of the blue uniform he wears.
Otherwise, Meatball is still making me sick on occasion, though, far less than before. Of the 25lbs I lost, I've only gained back 1.5lbs in the last month and a half. None of my clothes fit and I'm down to 2 pairs of undies that don't cut into me. I'm constantly feeling the little stinker movin' likes s/he is at a freaking rave. Meatball played tag with Pumba the other night. Pumba can't feel anything but I can!! It was adorable. I love those two so much. Pumba is going to be a wonderful daddy.

Congrats to any mommas that have given birth and to those of us counting down the weeks, WE GOT THIS!! <3 <3

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from RPope84 » Posted Nov. 30, 2017 8:22am
Yay!! I'm so glad you're in the second trimester! I'm really really sorry that your ex's nosey family is meddling in your business. I would be furious too! Don't let it stress you too much. I'm so happy to see you so happy and can't wait to follow the rest of your journey!

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