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Joined Mar. 28, 2012 9:44am

Quartz3's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 30, 2015
I have given birth!
Age: 40 years old
Location: Canada

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My Journal

The joys of stomach flu
By Quartz3 » Posted May. 15, 2015 10:16am - 404 views - 0 comments

So, the good news is, my nausea was NOT pregnancy-related after all, and I continue an almost symptom-less pregnancy as usual.

Five kids at daycare had a full-blown stomach flu over the weekend, and our toddler vomitted on Friday, so it seems likely that's what was going on - it just seems like he and I got an extremely mild version of it as we had barely any other symptom.

I felt a bit off for about a week but now I'm much better, and ready to deliver our new baby anytime! Today's my last day at work and I will probably be leaving early, after I've finished packing my stuff and filing out all the last bits or paperwork.

I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday and will probably be getting a membrane sweep - my doctor offers it to all her pregnant patient from 38 weeks on. I got one with my son and labour started 11 hours later, so I'm thinking it might be worth it to do that again! Pregnancy isn't too hard a state for me, but I'm a bit worried about the size of the baby. My son was born at 38 weeks weighing 6 lbs 14 oz, so I'm thinking he would have been a big baby if I'd gone past my due date. He was under average until he was 5 months old - a period during which he also breastfed hourly when he was awake - and has been taller and heavier than average since. He's not particularly chubby, but he does have a bigger frame.... and I'm on the smaller side, at 5' and 100 lbs pre-pregnancy. So the idea of a 10-pound baby scares me a little bit, especially since I'm terrified of epidural and hope to avoid it once again.

Anyways, I guess we'll see. Just because the sweep worked last time doesn't mean it'll work this time around either, and it's fine if it doesn't. My general attitude in pregnancy is it's okay to have expectations and preferences, but you have to be prepared for things to go completely opposite to plan!

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