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Joined May. 15, 2012 8:57pm

sunshinebear711's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 15, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 43 years old

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My Journal

20 weeks, 2 days
By sunshinebear711 » Posted Mar. 30, 2016 6:04pm - 324 views - 1 comment

Over halfway there. 51%!!!

Still feels like I have forever to go.

Had our ultrasound yesterday, most definitely a boy. And he was wiggly and rolling all over and giving the ultrasound tech a hard time because every time she would get him in the perfect position for a measurement... he would roll away. I also think the ultrasound jump started him moving, because last night when I was in bed he was all over the place, and then several times today I kept feeling him going all over.

In other news, everything looks good with him... but they said my blood pressure was high. It was 145/72... usually it is around 120/72.... so they are starting to worry about me. However (thank goodness) the doctors didn't want to start meds yet. They want to put that off as long as possible. They did say it might warrant more growth scans and NSTs, but I'm ok with those things. And it would probably mean an induction sooner rather than later when I get farther along.... but still, it so depressed me to hear it.

And then I asked about this post nasal drip that makes me puke every morning. Midwife said I could take benedryl or something to help try and dry it up. Husband pretty much threw a fit about me taking any medication... then told me my puking was "totally psychological and with no real cause". Thank goodness we drove separately because I cried the entire way home after feeling like he was belittling me by saying that. He also said that during my first pregnancy when I said the smell of the water in the bathroom made me puke. I'm sorry he has a vomiting phobia and freaks out when I am sick, but I cannot help it. I've tried talking myself out of it... but it doesn't work.

Tonight I have been all sorts of dizzy. Just sitting on the couch things started to spin. And then I was reading to my 3 year old and everything was tilting. I'm not sure what that is about, but it has me nervous.

And my mood... I've been seriously depressed the last week or so. Like, so much so that I just want to curl up in bed and not move for days and days and days.... but I don't feel like I can talk to the midwife about it with my husband there because he would want to know what he was doing wrong.... and it isn't him. I just feel.... sad. And so incredibly tired. So much so that he offered me the chance to go visit my best friend for her birthday on the 16th and to see my favorite show in NYC.... and I just don't want to go...

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from Hopeforchildren » Posted Mar. 31, 2016 9:27am
My mood is really shaky too. Hormones are no joke. The less I fight it, the better.

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