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sunshinebear711's Pregnancy

My Due Date: August 15, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 43 years old

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My Journal

Exhausted has a new meaning
By sunshinebear711 » Posted Aug. 27, 2016 1:14am - 540 views - 4 comments

Jaime wants to nurse every two hours. Meaning, he nurses for an hour and then will sleep an hour... but only on me. Meaning I am getting maybe 2-3 hours of sleep a night.

Sample day:
6am, the 3 year old is up so I need to be up to feed her and deal with her attitude
7am, feed Jaime.
8am, maybe get Jaime in the pack n play to sleep so I can do dishes and eat breakfast
9am, feed Jaime
10am, pump long enough to get 2oz and do a chore
11am, feed Jaime
12pm, feed 3 year old lunch
1pm, feed Jaime and start to try and get 3 year old down for a nap
2pm, pass out on couch with baby
3pm, feed Jaime
4pm, make sure 3 year old is awake and play
5pm, feed Jaime
6pm, make dinner and feed family. Get 3 year old into PJs.
7pm,feed Jaime and try to get 3 year old to bed
8pm, watch something on TV
9pm, feed Jaime
10:15pm, fall asleep
11pm, feed Jaime
12:15am, fall asleep
1am, feed Jaime
2:15am, fall asleep
3am feed Jaime
4:15am, fall asleep
5am, feed Jaime

All my sleep is being done sitting up on the couch because it takes so long to get Jaime settled and he squeaks and squeals, and grunts in his sleep. It is just east let him sleep on me....

I'm exhausted and sore and ready to stop nursing just so that I can get a decent amount of sleep. Hubby is going to the movies tomorrow and I want to cry because I want to go too, but I don't have enough milk pumped and I feel rotten asking someone to babysit a 3 week old and a 3 year old.

Comments for this Journal Entry

Comment from sunshinebear711 » Posted Aug. 29, 2016 10:30am
We went to the pediatrician today. Kiddo has been spitting up and the dr said feed no closer together than 2 hours because he may be over eating and making himself sick. And he is so fussy... so we need to try gripe water to see if it is just gas. If that doesn't work, well try zantac for reflux. If that doesn't work, have me cut out dairy. And if that doesn't work then he'll get referred to a specialist. I'm just exhausted and sore.

Last night it was little snacks so I leaked all over my nightgown by morning and then I pumped 3 oz in about 20 minutes just to relieve the pressure. Ugh...

Comment from Hopeforchildren » Posted Aug. 29, 2016 10:21am
I'm glad I read this. It makes me feel like I'm not the only one who has an impossible schedule...and I have no other children! You are incredible to me. I pray you get to an easier schedule soon, sweetie.

Comment from pbc910 » Posted Aug. 29, 2016 9:07am
Just want to say I know exactly how this exhaustion feels! I didn't get any decent sleep for the first 10 weeks. From 4-9 weeks, the only place my babies would sleep was usually on me. I think the first night they slept without needing to eat was the best day of my life!

Comment from hayleycynthia » Posted Aug. 28, 2016 12:45pm
Maybe you should co-sleep? You can get a thing that goes in the bed between the 2 of you that protects the babies sleeping space.

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