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Joined Apr. 12, 2012 12:39pm

TotMama's Pregnancy

My Due Date: May 23, 2020
I am postpartum » My due date was more than 2 weeks ago
Age: 43 years old

My Milestones & Events

On October 15, 2019 at 8 weeks 3 days pregnant
Found Out Baby's Gender
We found out the gender via blood test! We won’t be revealing it just yet...Around 12-14 weeks we will :)

On September 25, 2019 at 5 weeks 4 days pregnant
First Ultrasound
Possible twins! Will know more Oct 16th

On September 20, 2019 at 4 weeks 6 days pregnant
Announced Pregnancy to Family
We told our kids that our newest addition will arrive in May and they couldn’t be anymore excited. We’ve decided to keep it a secret from everyone else until 12-13wks! We are over the moon in love!

On September 9, 2019 at 3 weeks 2 days pregnant
First Positive Pregnancy Test
Got my first positive on 9/9/19 @ 8dpo and the picture added Is from 10dpo

Profile Comments for TotMama (1)

Comment from sonata85 » Posted Sep. 24, 2019 10:10pm
Hi from CTP!! I look forward to following your journey. Congrats <3

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