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19 Weeks Pregnant

Your Pregnancy Week by Week

*Counting from the first day of your last menstrual period

Your Baby at 19 Weeks

Your baby is the size of a mango at 19 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy Week By Week Size: 6.02 inches (15.3 cm)
Weight: 8.47 ounces (240 grams)

Your little one is now covered in a protective white coating called vernix caseosa. This white coating closely resembles cottage cheese and it serves the purpose of keeping his delicate skin protected from the amniotic fluid that he is surrounded by. Without the vernix protecting his skin, your little one could just have a much more pruned look when he is born. The majority of the vernix will slough off just before birth; however, your little one might have a fair amount of it on him when he is born. Premature babies are much more likely to be covered in vernix but it is easily removed during baby's first wipe down and bath.

With arms and legs that are in proportion and further neuron developments that allow for greater muscle control, your little one is now able to control more of his movements. This could just account for all of those movements that you have started to feel more and more lately. Your baby is enjoying stretching out his arms and legs while he summersaults around in your belly!

Mom at 19 Weeks Pregnant

Mom at 19 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy Week By Week Are you worried that you haven't yet felt your baby kicking? If this is your first pregnancy then you might not be able to identify just how those little kicks actually feel. Some moms-to-be will describe them as feeling a little bit like gas bubbles in your abdomen or even as a little bit of a flutter. Baby is certainly growing bigger and stronger; however, he is still very small and depending on your body type or even the location of your uterus, it might be difficult to feel his movements until he makes his presence known in a very persistent manner.

So as long as your medical professionals have determined that all is on track with your pregnancy, then just be a little bit patient. Soon enough you feel those kicks, punches, and lurches as he repositions himself.

Common Symptoms:
Does it seem like your appetite has increased dramatically lately? As your little one is going through several growth spurts, you are likely to find it rather difficult to stay out of the fridge. While you shouldn't strictly forbid yourself from enjoying a much-craved-for treat, you should be certain that you stock your kitchen with fruits, vegetables, and healthier snack options. Remember that not allowing yourself to indulge in the occasional delicious treat will make it much more likely that you binge on them!

As your nasal passages swell you make find that you are plagued by nasal congestion. This might only result in a bit of difficulty breathing, but it could just make you a noisy bedfellow for your significant other as you start to snore. Nosebleeds, as a result of your swollen nasal membranes, could also be causing you a bit of a bother. Keeping a humidifier in your bedroom at night while you sleep might help a little bit; however, you are likely to be stuck with this symptom until delivery.

Have you noticed a bit of dizziness or lightheadedness as of late? As your uterus grows and puts pressure onto your blood vessels, it might reduce the flow of blood to your brain which, in turn, will make you feel light-headed. While this is a commonly experienced symptom of pregnancy, you should still take it somewhat seriously. Exerting yourself too much and ignoring what your body is telling you could be detrimental to your health and potentially the health of your little one.

Have you yet experienced painful leg cramps? This horribly painful symptom of pregnancy is all too common and can leave you limping for hours afterwards. The reasons for the cramps are not exactly known but could be contributed to a potassium deficiency, dehydration, or the fact that your blood vessels are under a lot more pressure as your pregnancy progresses. Try to keep your legs elevated, take your prenatal vitamins, and be sure that you are well hydrated. You may still experience leg cramps but taking as many precautions as possible might be able to reduce the number that you experience.

Weight Gain:
An increase in your appetite could just be resulting in an increase on your bathroom scale; however, this is where it becomes important for you to pay careful heed to the foods that you are putting into your body. Healthy choices will ensure that the weight you are gaining is not from eating too many foods that truly hold little to no actual nutritional value.

At this point in your pregnancy you should expect to have gained in the range of 5 - 10lbs. Women who are more overweight to start with should not gain a significant amount of weight as this can cause a range of other weight-related health concerns; whereas women who started their pregnancy underweight should make an effort to gain a bit more weight as their pregnancy progresses. Your medical professionals will be able to guide you in the right direction towards an acceptable amount of weight to have gained at this junction of your pregnancy.

Tour birth facilities. It's never too early to begin thinking about where to have your baby. Ask your doctor where they will deliver you, and then visit that facility to get a feel for it. Prefer a birthing center over a hospital? Talk with your doctor to make sure he or she can deliver you there. If not, you may have to switch care providers.

Videos - 19 Weeks Pregnant

Your Pregnancy Week by Week Guide: Select a Week

** Note: Every baby develops at a different rate. The numbers provided are averages based on a "typical" pregnancy. Your baby's size and weight may vary significantly. Your healthcare provider is the best person to interpret information on your baby's size, weight, health and development during your ultrasounds and pregnancy.

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Comment from MillerbabyThree » Posted Oct. 20, 2016 10:35am
Hi 19 weeks

Comment from heatherharr32 » Posted Jun. 9, 2014 12:04pm
I will be 19 weeks on Friday and I go and find out the sex of the baby on Thursday june 12 cant wait

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