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Postpartum - Page 8

Who has had a mirena placed postpartum?? Was your experience good or bad??
I've had the implanon( which has now been changed to nexplanon) and loved it but knew the hormones are stronger in the bloodstream... [read more]

Asked by a member - Aug. 2, 2012 3:40am - Category: Postpartum
For all moms out there- newborn question!
I am clearly a total newbie as this. My baby is 8 days old. Not that I am ready to at all, but I was wondering when people bri... [read more]

Asked by MontyMoe - Jan. 13, 2012 1:10pm - Category: Postpartum
Puke Baby
For you ladies who are already mamas. My one week old all of a sudden has decided to puke after eating. It doesn't happen all th... [read more]

Asked by MalPal85 - Dec. 25, 2015 10:14am - Category: Postpartum
For all my breastfeeding mommas!!!
I formula fed my first two because I had no support with my first one and I thought I didn't have support for my second. Backgroun... [read more]

Asked by missxbrit - Jun. 30, 2015 12:48pm - Category: Postpartum
Painful Breast...Almost Worse Than Labor. HELP! !
Has anyone had to let milk dry up because they didn't breastfeed??? How did you cope with the pain and what steps did you take to ... [read more]

Asked by Brandi70410 - Aug. 1, 2014 9:20am - Category: Postpartum
Plugged milk duct treatment.
Any advice for how to treat a plugged milk duct at home? I've never had one and I'm in a lot of pain! I'm not showing any sign of ... [read more]

Asked by KenpoMommy - Feb. 14, 2014 7:04pm - Category: Postpartum
Postpartum Weightloss (have been cleared)
Hey ladies, hope everyone is doing well. Liam was born December 8, 5 weeks early. Hes doing absolutely fantastic. Hes been hold... [read more]

Asked by JessicaWall11 - Jan. 18, 2014 4:54am - Category: Postpartum
Anyone ever tummy wrapped after birth?
hi this is my first pregnancy, and I'm due in just 9 days. I have been hearing and reading a lot about women tummy wrapping after ... [read more]

Asked by lilsunshine22 - Dec. 31, 2013 1:10pm - Category: Postpartum
How long did you ladies wait to have sex after birth?
My daughter was born 11.19.13 [[ I know, I am only 8dpp ]]. I had a normal vaginal birth with a slight abrasion but no need for st... [read more]

Asked by missxbrit - Nov. 27, 2013 4:25pm - Category: Postpartum
Baby books suggestions
Can somebody recommend a good book for after you give birth? how to take care of an infant, feedings, sleeping, bathing, ect...stu... [read more]

Asked by aiobaby - Aug. 13, 2013 5:00pm - Category: Postpartum