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Category: Postpartum

Asked by a member

Q: When is it ok to start trying for another after giving birth?

I left it quite late to start a family. I am 30 in a few months and i currently have a 5 month old. I definitely want more children, but when is it "too soon" to start trying for another? what age gap are your children?

This question was asked Dec. 27, 2012 11:43am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 6, 2013 12:26am
I had a friend who tried four times before her son was 18 months old to have another and she ended up suffering from 3 miscarriages. Her body just wasn't ready to handle another pregnancy. I think it all depends on your body and age and stuff like that. I'd talk to your doctor first. We didn't try for another until my son was 3.5 years old and I am SOOO glad I waited that long. I'm miserable and that's without him needing all my attention. But these are also just my personal beliefs. Every person is different.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 27, 2012 12:25pm
i had my 2 children 15 months apart. my daughter was only 7 months old when i got pregnant and i had some complications during the pregnancy because of it. also, it was a very difficult pregnancy, my body just was not ready to do it again. then there was the difficulty of having 2 babies at once, i dont think i slept anymore then an hour a night for the first couple months,,, there was always someone awake needing me.
after that, i waited until my youngest was almost 2 to get pregnant again and this pregnancy has been great. no complications, and im 37 weeks and feeling awesome, where last time at 37 weeks i could hardly move i was in so much pain.. i think doctors recommend 2 years between babies so your body can adjust and replenish the nutrients needed to provide for a growing baby. but in my opinion waiting until your baby is a year or so would be ok.

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Answered by maggie22 - Dec. 27, 2012 8:24pm
Whenever you feel you are ready... there are pros and cons for a small age gap vs a bigger age gap. Seeing age isnt on your side i would start sooner rather then later, in case of unexpected complications.

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Answered by littlesteph - Dec. 28, 2012 11:03pm
because of how it took me and my hubby to fall pregnant with our first we've decided we are going to start trying again pretty much as soon as it's safe too or when we feel we're ready to try again. hubby wants children close in age so it most likly be a few months after baby is born. i think you'll know in your self when your ready to start trying again.

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Answered by Mrsfroomie - Dec. 27, 2012 12:11pm
I don't think you started late at all. Where I live 30 is a young start!!!
I started with my first at 31. I got pregnant when he was 13 months. I am now 38 and pregnant with third, I still feel relatively young as most the moms I know had a kid whether first, second, third at 40+!
I will say, I can't tell you when you can physically try again, but mine are 22 months apart and it was hard. It was like having two babies at once. That being said, having two close has been lovely. They play.
I know I am rambling, but that time alone with your first is really precious. To be able to really concentrate on one child and enjoy each little milestone is nice. It's not that you don't enjoy them with a second or third, but you can't give your 100% attention when you are caring for another child at the same time.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 27, 2012 12:19pm
Thats great advice, thank you! I do worry my little one would miss out if i had another too soon!

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Answered by Charlotte17 - Dec. 27, 2012 1:22pm
I've heard that if children are closer than 18 months apart (meaning the mother got pregnant again before the first was 9 months), there is an increased risk of health issues for the mother and second baby during the second pregnancy. I think it has something to do with all the nutrients/muscle strength and whatnot that you lose during a pregnancy (or something like that?) so doctors suggest waiting to allow your body to heal, regulate itself and regain it's nutrient balance before having another child. That way your body is just as strong, healthy and able to give up nutrition to baby #2 as it was for baby #1.

I'm currently pregnant with our first and as much as we'd like ours to be close together, we don't plan to start trying for #2 until our first is at least 9 months old, but we'll probably wait until she's a year. Plus, that gives us time to really enjoy our first and be present in the moment with her before our attention is divided with another pregnancy.

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 27, 2012 8:17pm
My age gap between one and 2is 14 months and 17 months between 2 and 3

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Answered by ldsmommy2 - Dec. 27, 2012 5:20pm
My first is almost 16 months and I am almost 8 months pregnant. The date of my last period was the day he turned 8 months. I have had a completely low risk no issues pregnancy so far (fingers crossed) and my first has been thriving as one would expect for his age. I am excited to have them close and am hoping for a good long break before any more children so my body can recover since I know it was still in recovery when I became pregnant but I am excited to have my little ones so close. :)

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Answered by a member - Dec. 27, 2012 1:01pm
they say its best to wait at least 6-8 months before trying it takes a year for your body to heal.if you have them too soon it can cause harm to u or your fetus.. as others have mentioned above you can and have a 95% chance of having complications.....just ask your dr!! let yourself heal!!! you may feel fine but internally things still arent back on track!!!
i am having my first child in a few days :-) and when she is ONE YEAR old were going to start and try for a second because i want my children close together!!

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