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Category: Postpartum

Asked by mandib17

Q: Period this soon after birth while breastfeading?

My daughter will be 12 weeks tomorrow. I have been breastfeeding her the whole time and af just showed up. From what other women and docs. have said, I would not get af for a long time if I was breast feeding. Some women didn't get af until their baby was 6-9 months if they were breasfeeding. I just thought this was pretty early and wondered if this happened to anyone else?? I suppose I had wishful thinking and thought af wouldn't arrive until she started solid foods at least! :)

This question was asked Apr. 15, 2012 12:10pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by jkim80 - Apr. 29, 2012 8:20pm
everyones a little different,I have friends who didn't get their period back for a year or more dispite weaning while I was BFing and got it back after 2 months, You just have to watch the birth control if you use it, it's either condoms, progesterone only pill or a IUD since the regular combo pills can drastically reduce milk production and once your period is back you are ovulating so pregnancy is a very real possibility. Best wishes for you and your little one :D

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Answered by JessicaWall11 - Apr. 15, 2012 4:00pm
I did the same thing as airiesing. It depends on your body and when its ready to get started. I wouldnt be to worried

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Answered by airiesing - Apr. 15, 2012 1:41pm
My period started exactly 6 weeks after my daughter was born! My postpartum bleeding ended & the period started a week later, I thought it was more of the postpartum but it lasted 5 days & became my regular cycle time the next month. It didn't affect our BF though, we continued for the next year. It depends on your hormone levels & such, I'm a bigger gal & they say that does have an effect because fat hold estrogen. yay me. Good luck!

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