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Category: Postpartum

Asked by mrykayser

Q: What happens at the 6 week pp doctors appointment?

Just Wanted to know what to expect tomorrow at my appointment. I I can't remember what happened with my first baby . let me know ladies please (:

This question was asked Jan. 9, 2013 1:14pm
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by rachdunn2011 - Jan. 9, 2013 4:49pm
is it a 6 week with the nurse or doctor? My first apt at 6 weeks was with the nurse and she just went through my history and family history and did blood work. 8 weeks was with the doc and that was exams and ultrasound!! Congrats

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Answered by kCharleneS - Jan. 9, 2013 4:41pm
My doctor just looked at my vagina to make sure it was healing and to check to bleeding, he also checked to make sure that my uterus was shrinking like it was supposed to and we talked about how I was feeling physically. We also talked about being cleared for sex and birth control options.

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Answered by janastep73 - Jan. 9, 2013 4:03pm
If I remember correctly my doctor did an internal exam to make sure everything was healing ok and also felt around my abdomen to make sure my uterus was going back to its normal size.

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Answered by Quartz3 - Jan. 9, 2013 2:00pm
Oh, sorry. I just saw the "pp" in there. I feel really stupid now! Sorry! :S

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Answered by Quartz3 - Jan. 9, 2013 1:59pm
I guess it varies from one place to another, but for me, nothing much goes on at the first appointment. The doctor just goes through your health and family history, checks your blood pressure, weight, and fills out the necessary paperwork for blood work and the like. The doctor can also answer any questions you may have regarding your pregnancy.
Good luck!

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