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Category: Postpartum

Asked by rachdunn2011

Q: Pull out method?

Had my daughter four weeks ago and had sex for the first time tonight and was sore but we didn't use prtotection but he did pull out when he ya know..... anyways I will be buying condoms so this doesn't happen again I want more children but I don't want another one quit yet so do you think I will be okay? When should I get my first post partum period? I also gave up my pumping/breastfeeding like four days ago it wasn't working. Need advice please

This question was asked Jun. 18, 2013 3:37am
Category: Postpartum

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Answered by LeslieAM - Jun. 20, 2013 3:17pm
Hubs and I used it for a year without problems. Had me convinced one of us was infertile since it is supposedly so risky lol. We got pg the second cycle trying :). Ive done a lot of research on it. The withdrawal method can be fairly effective if used correctly.

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Answered by coloredrings - Jun. 20, 2013 1:52pm
My pull out method is 12 years old now

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Answered by coloredrings - Jun. 20, 2013 1:50pm
My pull out method is 12 :)

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Answered by HasntSunkIn - Jun. 19, 2013 7:25pm
:) I am one of the idiots who used the pull out method with DH for over 5 years (yes, there was risk, but it would have been ok to get pregnant). Once he started intentionally staying in, we got pregnant. STILL - If I had a sexually active daughter, I would still NOT recommend this approach (unless she was married and I wanted a grandbaby!).
I have heard fertility increases after having a baby, so you might have increased risk, but not sure what research backs that.
Either way, what's done is done and if you really aren't ready to get pregnant again, I'd get a Costco sized box of condoms :)

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Answered by hopefullll - Jun. 18, 2013 11:31pm
Okay, so while I do find it funny that people still rely on this method I suppose I can see why so many people do. After all, you hear so much about it working and not much about it not working, mostly because nobody wants to admit that that's how they got knocked up lol. Anyway, this is a lousy method and if your partner has an above average sperm count then the pull out thing is way too risky. My brilliant brother impregnated 2 women this way (no joke, and he was baffled each time). Having said that, you will most likely be okay so don't fret too much. However, if you are dead set against having another at this time I would urge you to get Plan B (morning after pill) it will stop fertilization before it even happens (providing you take it within the next 12-24 hrs).

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Answered by lyssa787 - Jun. 18, 2013 6:33pm
I wish I knew the number of teen moms I've talked to who said "oh we used the pull out method, and we didn't get pregnant for months!!" yea...It CAN work...but I wouldn't count on it consistently. Schools are working so hard to teach kids NOT to use this method and use some actual birth control because it's NOT reliable. So I'm not sure what your chances are of being pregnant because of the one time...but don't risk it if you aren't ready :)

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Answered by bdawn8403 - Jun. 18, 2013 5:20pm
Are you serious? I thought everyone was aware that 'pulling out' wasn't decreasing any risk of pregnancy.

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jun. 18, 2013 3:53pm
I think that can be a pretty risky method. I would definitely get another form of birth control asap. (Just my opinion, I know it works for some people, but I personally would not take the risk. As for when you will get your period, it varies with every woman. Don't be surprised if it takes a while though. I breastfed for 6 months, and it took me over a year to get my period after that.

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Answered by Preciousbby4 - Jun. 18, 2013 5:51am
We used the pull out method and we did not conceive until we wanted to. then after our son was born i put Mirena for 4 years until we decided to conceive again. Everyone told me it was risky but hubby controlled it very well. And since i breast feed my kids until 1 year old i never got a period so i would not know the answer to that but i do know that if your not breast feeding your cycles return faster

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