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Joined Oct. 1, 2013 1:20pm

HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

My Journal - Page 7

Posted Jul. 13, 2015 10:36am - 294 views - 6 comments
On friday at 8w6d, I had to worst nausea and exhastion... i felt so awful that i begged my boss to let me go home early. I got home and took another one of my anti nausea pills and my neighbor gave me... [Read more]
Dr. Appt today
Posted Jul. 9, 2015 11:14am - 446 views - 10 comments
So I had my internal exam today. It went well from what my doc said. Of course he is concerned with my emotional well-being and said maybe this is a good thing this happened as quickly because there i... [Read more]
Posted Jul. 8, 2015 11:31am - 300 views - 6 comments
Nausea is getting ridiculous. I had to add a diclegis pill in the morning ontop of the 2 pills I take at night. For the last week I have been just trying to push through with the 2 pills at night but ... [Read more]
Posted Jul. 2, 2015 9:49am - 584 views - 18 comments
I was a bag of nerves this morning and what made things worse is that the Ultrasound technician ran late so I was sitting in the waiting room with my heart pounding. Taking deep breaths I tried to ke... [Read more]
HCG Levels
Posted Jun. 30, 2015 9:46am - 488 views - 10 comments
I went to my endocrinologist office this morning and sat with the nurse practitioner. We went over everything in my past and looked over blood results that were taken on Friday. My TSH levels were app... [Read more]
Diclegis thank you!
Posted Jun. 28, 2015 9:35am - 272 views - 1 comment
I decided to fill the prescription for diclegis for my nausea. I took 2 pills last night as prescribed and I woke up feeling like a million dollars!! Yes yes yes!!! The nausea did start to set in 5 da... [Read more]
Had appointment this morning
Posted Jun. 26, 2015 10:22am - 378 views - 5 comments
I showed up to the my ob/gyns office this morning early to fill out the same paperwork I did a year ago. I get called in to do the normal routine (pee sample, check weight, blood pressure) and the tec... [Read more]
Morning Sickness or lack there of.
Posted Jun. 18, 2015 12:05pm - 467 views - 9 comments
So, I started looking up Morning Sickness. This topic is on my mind although I am not concerned at all. Now there are some forums that these women are just bat-shit crazy and talk about MS having to d... [Read more]