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Joined Oct. 1, 2013 1:20pm

HzlGreenEyes's Pregnancy

My Due Date: February 5, 2016
I have given birth!
Age: 41 years old
Location: New Jersey, United States

My Journal - Page 5

Posted Aug. 14, 2015 11:44am - 299 views - 3 comments
I tried to find baby's hb this morning with my doppler. Unfortunately, I only heard the swooshing of the placenta and baby is playing hide and seek. Tried a couple of times this morning but since I do... [Read more]
fetal doppler arrived!!!
Posted Aug. 12, 2015 7:55pm - 367 views - 8 comments
Yay!! It arrived today and I took that sucker out of the box, put 2 AA batteries in it, slathered my belly in gel and... I heard baby boy's heartbeat right away!!!! This has brightened my day sooo mu... [Read more]
Symptoms calming my fears!
Posted Aug. 11, 2015 10:05am - 377 views - 8 comments
So I sit here at my desk and have been feeling slight nausea. I feel my boobs are larger and tender this morning so I'm breathing a sigh of relief. Also I have felt the lil guy bumping around this mor... [Read more]
Can I just have some comfort
Posted Aug. 10, 2015 9:37am - 311 views - 5 comments
For a few days now, I have been having intestinal cramps before having to go to the bathroom. I know TMI, but this really sucks. Either my body is adjusting to the hormones again since i am now 13w or... [Read more]
13 weeks!
Posted Aug. 7, 2015 1:36pm - 399 views - 6 comments
Of course my nerves got the best of me this morning. Hubby and I were intimate last night (hasn't happened often to do morning sickness and his schedule) and I noticed some pink spotting afterwards. N... [Read more]
Caffeine Withdrawl... or should I say NO COFFEE...AHHHHH
Posted Aug. 6, 2015 10:18am - 329 views - 7 comments
Today is day 3 off of coffee. The days before I switched over to iced tea, I did do half decaf/half regular. I guess my body prefers coffee over tea. I had to get off of coffee because I was having ma... [Read more]
It's a Boy!
Posted Aug. 4, 2015 7:06pm - 558 views - 23 comments
I am overwhelmed with emotions after finding out we are having another Boy! I guess I can be considered a King Maker since this is the 3rd!!! Preston is ecstatic and so happy he will be having another... [Read more]
Results are in!!
Posted Aug. 4, 2015 10:04am - 464 views - 23 comments
My results came back from the Harmony test and the usual. All came back low risk for Trisomy 18, 21 and all! Everything came back as low risk. Now... I will be going to pick up the envelope this af... [Read more]