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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by Katherineklaack

Q: Spotting at 6 weeks

HI, I am 5 to 6 weeks pregnant. I had spotting on Saturday night and then another spotting on sunday I had an ultrasound today monday.
I have had mild period like pain. Im on blood thinners.
the ultra sound showed the sack and yoke but I looked more like 5 weeks not 6 and there was no heartbeat as it was too early. I get my blood results tomorrow. Anyway has this happened to anyone else out there? I'm scared im miscarrying

This question was asked May. 13, 2013 7:44am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by Katherineklaack - May. 16, 2013 5:06am
Its so hard to get excited about being pregnant with all this spotting.

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Answered by taragaby - May. 14, 2013 11:09am
Hope you found the links I sent you? How were your blood results?

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Answered by hayden2010 - May. 16, 2013 12:50am
Hi there!! I had spotting on 6weeks and then spotted again 7 weeks, both times it was bright red when I wiped and filled up a panty liner. I went to er both time and the first time I had a u/s and it came back with there baby measuring 6 weeks with a heartbeat. Checked my hcg levels both times and they were increasing as normal. I ahvrmt bleed since week 7 and I am now almost 19 weeks! I still am constanly worried, but so far so good! Hope this helps!! :)

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Answered by Mrssanders111111 - May. 13, 2013 2:21pm
I understand how anxious you are to have answers. I would advise you to "try" to refrain from doing internet research on your symptoms, because it will only stress you out more. Honestly, at 5-6 weeks pregnant, if there is a problem with the baby, the doctors are unable to do anything to prevent you from miscarrying (which is what happened to me). The only thing they suggested was to have an hcg test performed multiple times to determine whether or not the levels were increasing at the rate it was suppose to. Though my experience was sad, and it took time for me to recover, I just kept thinking that I would rather go through that experience early in my pregnancy, rather than deliver an unhealthy baby (because its your bodies way of preventing you from carrying a baby with chromosomal defects).
You could also be one of those women who spot throughout their pregnancy and deliver a perfectly healthy baby. I don't know if you are religious, but prayer helped me through my diffic

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Answered by jackieO - May. 14, 2013 2:47am
I know how you feel. When i was 5 weeks i went to the bathroom only to find blood, a lot of blood. I freaked out and rushed to the ER. Baby turned out to be fine and i am now 8.4 weeks. They still don't know where it came from, but it didn'kt cause any issues. I hope this helps a little, stay clam and remain positive. Oh and rest as much as possible. Good luck to you and your little baby.

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Answered by Katherineklaack - May. 29, 2013 1:24pm
Just an update. everything stopped growing at 5 weeks and I had a miscarrage and d and c at 7 weeks.

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Answered by taragaby - May. 13, 2013 8:59am
I recently asked 2 very similar questions - one on the scan, and the other on the spotting..pls read the responses on this site and countdowntopregnancy (I use the same name on each site)

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Answered by Katherineklaack - May. 14, 2013 12:17pm
Hi taragaby,
Yes I did thank you. My blood went from 100 to 700 in a week so doubled every 60 something hours still im scared to get my hopes high . I spotted some more today always after a bm sorry for tmi. Just wish I knew what wad going on
How is your pregnancy going?

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Answered by newmom06 - May. 13, 2013 2:44pm
Just try to remain calm. I spotted brown blood off and on from week 6-7. No heartbeat at 5 weeks but at 6 weeks 2 days there was a strong heartbeat! They said I had bruising around my placenta ( which caused the spotting) and that baby was fine! I have not spotted in over a week. Just take it easy.. no heavy lifting and try to relax. I agree that you should not research miscarriages online. Just wait to hear from your doctor and pray. I' hope all is well! Keep us updated!

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Answered by msbritt07 - May. 16, 2013 5:15am
My doctor told me that unless i had spotting associated with severe cramping it was fine. I spotted in all of my pregnancies. I had late term losses for other reasons though. I'm now 28+ weeks pregnant with a girl. I know it hard not to worry but try to relax cramping is actually normal in early pregnancy as long as it's not severe. If it was to get worse than period like and heavy bleeding i would get seen butt your levels doubled or more than so i would breathe a little if i were you :-) good luck

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