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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by LinnyBuck

Q: Terrified of First Ultrasound

Some backstory - I had a missed miscarriage that emotionally wrecked me about a half a year ago. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and saw a healthy heart beat, then at 8 weeks I started spotting. Another ultrasound showed that the heartbeat had stopped and I miscarried shortly after that. Immediately after that miscarriage I had another miscarriage. Now I'm about 8 weeks pregnant again and have my first ultrasound in two days. My pregnancy symptoms have been declining, although so far there's been no spotting at all. I'm terrified that my ultrasound in two days will reveal another missed miscarriage. It's to the point of distracting me at work and I'm always on the verge of tears. Any advice on how to just get through the next two days until I know, one way or the other? Thank you.

This question was asked Jul. 25, 2017 1:52pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by EllaJohn - Feb. 10, 2018 2:53pm
Hey there. Hope you are in good health. It is absolutely normal in pregnancy to be afraid. Since it is a sensitive thing for us. Being a woman I can completely understand your feelings and reasons for being worried. But I would suggest you stay calm and relaxed. Stress is not good for you and for the little one growing inside you. You need not only to take care of yourself but also of the baby. Try exercise on daily basis. Practice some yoga and more preferably do exercises of the pelvic floor. These exercises will help your pelvic floor muscles to get strong. It will prove helpful in time of delivery. I wish you and your baby safety and health. Best wishes.

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Answered by Romana - Feb. 10, 2018 7:35pm
I am sorry for your loss. It's a life you have to face these kind of problems in your life. At least you are having a baby, I am facing serious infertility issues. I want you to stay strong. I hope this time you will have a successful pregnancy. You have to visit your doctor on regular basis if you are facing these kind of problems in your life. That not your first time so i am sure you know what to do in this situation. Best of luck for your future.

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Answered by pheobe412 - Feb. 11, 2018 5:27am
Hi there. How are you dear. Don't worry it's normal. Your fear is normal. Being terrified first time is normal. Don't worry about anything. Everything is going to be fine. Best of luck my friend. Try to take care allot.

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Answered by jenifercox - Feb. 11, 2018 5:10am
Hi there. How are you? I am really sorry for your miscarriages. I am glad to hear that you are pregnant again. Take care of yourself. Dont worry.This time you will not lose. Take proper diet. Dont lose hope.Please dont cry and take precautions.

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Answered by Amarah - Jul. 26, 2017 7:32pm
I don't think the fear totally goes away, but it can be managed. I've had 2 miscarriages before my current pregnancy (I'm 18 weeks).

I agree with secallender - remind yourself each day that you are pregnant and try to take it day by day.

We can worry ourselves sick and it really does us no good. For me it was best to tell myself, today I am pregnant and I am grateful... you need to keep your mind as positive as you can. You can't control the outcome, but the journey might be a little better if you try and stay focused on the good in the moment.

If the bad comes, then you can deal with it at that that. Right now, the bad is only an "IF". You do not want to keep your head and heart in "what if" land... it's too painful!

I really hope things go well with your pregnancy hun! day by day.

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Answered by pheobe412 - Feb. 1, 2018 3:12pm
Being terrified is normal. Of course it is a big decision. You were thinking of something else. Something could have happened that you can't even imagine. You are worried that whether it's a boy or a girl. I must tell you that these things don't matter even a bit. Don't be worry about anything. I think it's normal. Just see the fact. Nothing matters what you have fear of. What is destined must have done. Don't worry about it. It's a boy or a girl. Why should this matter. You have baby right. nothing else matters. Don't worry just be calm. Everything thing would be fine. Best of luck.

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Answered by secallender - Jul. 26, 2017 3:09pm
I am in the same boat. You can never stop the fear, just try to remind yourself daily that you are pregnant and enjoy it day by day. I had a MMC 5 years ago. Saw he HB at 7w went back 12w and baby had stopped growing shortly after first US. I have another MC at 6 w back in March. I am now 10 weeks and have my first real apt on August 1st. I'm so scared to relive what happened 5 years ago but I keep telling myself everything is fine this time. This is the first pregnancy where I actually have real symptoms. Keep your chin up.

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Answered by jenifercox - Feb. 11, 2018 5:04am
I can totally understand your feelings. I had the same situation in my time. Please start your new journey with happiness. Have you consulted with the doctor? What did they said? Stay Blessed. Take care.

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Answered by pheobe412 - Mar. 19, 2018 5:30pm
Hey there, Why are you so much worried about this. It's not a problem at all. You could just easily go there and find out what is this. It's really not a problem. It's just a simple process. You just need to go there. I think you are worried because you are thinking it's going to be a problem for you. You think that you are going to lose your baby. Well, don't worry. It's never going to be like this. you are going to be just fine. baby is going to be just fine as well. Don't think bad dear. Just be strong and be positive.

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Answered by crystallove - Feb. 9, 2018 5:57pm
This is for all the women dealing with fear related to pregnancies. you guys are far stronger than this. Always remember fear and distress won't help you in any situation they can only make the matters worse. So lay back and sip tea do not I repeat do not care about what the future holds there is little you can do to change that.Take care of yourself, that's the best thing you can do ATM.

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