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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by truestar070

Q: 6w+5d ...Doc says no fetal pole and heartbeat and wants to schedule D&C next week :(

Just got back from the u/s and it shows nice round sac and yolk but doc says no fetal pole and heartbeat. She said blighted ovum, call me for another u/s on Monday and wants to schedule D&C next week.

My beta at 6w3d was 36000 and was doubling perfectly. My progesterone as of today is 12.19. I have some pregnancy symptoms - short of breath, sore boobs, nausea, tired etc..

I read online some women didn't see fetal pole and heartbeat till week 8-9. Should I wait with the D&C??...hoping something will turn up. When did you see your baby's heartbeat? Doc wants D&C so she can investigate the reason behind the blighted ovum.
I am crashed :(

This question was asked Nov. 22, 2013 12:08pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by truestar070 - Nov. 22, 2013 12:56pm
1st beta 4w+0d = 124 (Nov/3)
2nd beta 4w+4d =1056 (Nov/7) doubling time 31 hours
3rd beta 5w+0d = 4547 (Nov/10) doubling time 34 hours
4th beta 5w+3d = 12 510 (Nov/13) Beta taken at 2 pm (2 hours early than I usually do it) doubling time 48 hours
5th beta 6w+0d = 20 885 (Nov/17) Beta taken at 10 am (4 hours early than the previous time) doubling time 124 hours...hmmmmm
6th beta 6w+3d= 35787 (Nov/20) doubling time 96 hours

I did not take beta test today only progesterone.
I have two previous miscarriages (at 7 weeks natural and chemical)..so D&C sounds reasonable to investigate the reason.
There is a hospital next to where I live and I am thinking to seek second opinion. I know I am holding into some delusional emotionally unhealthy hope but I can't help it...*sigh*

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Answered by kelliers - Nov. 22, 2013 12:48pm
What was your hcg today? Was it still rising? That's not a terribly low progesterone level for a natural pregnancy. I wouldn't decide on the D&C until after your ultrasound Monday and only if your blood work indicates your hcg and progesterone are both crashing. By now you should have probably seen more but that doesn't mean that you don't have a viable pregnancy yet as it is still early. Your body will likely miscarry naturally on your own-she may want to know why, hence the D&C, but you should make sure that you feel the information you get from the D&C is worth the procedure. If you don't have a history of recurrent miscarriages, it is likely that you simply didn't have a viable embryo which just happens sometimes. If you do have a history she may be able to investigate if there are any genetic causes or other complications that are making it hard for you. So sorry you have to go through all this! I really hope Monday goes better.

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