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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by knicole27

Q: Those using a birth doula or who have?

I have a question. I plan to use a birth doula. My question is around how far along do you start contacting perspective doulas?? and what are good questions to ask ?

Thanks ladies! :)

This question was asked Mar. 21, 2012 12:44am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by MBrannen - Mar. 21, 2012 2:10am
I started contacting them around 8 weeks. I know that they can sometimes get booked for certain months pretty fast and usually they want to make sure not to have multiple clients around the same due date. I'm not sure where your at, but in Asheville there are tons of doulas and so I started contacting a bunch of different ones to set up appointments to see which is a good match for me. I usually make a list of questions before I meet with one and usually for me I want to make sure what kind of care they offer, if they are willing to work with herbs and aromatherapy, how far before my due date they'll be on call for, if they offer some postpartum care, etc. and then some will also offer specialized services as well such as photography, tinctures, placenta art, etc. it's all about what your plan is for birth. Hope this helps :)

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Answered by Amarylis - Mar. 21, 2012 1:41am
I don't have one but I know it is real hard to get a doula/mid wife. I would look for one the moment pregnancy was confirmed just to make sure you are getting the pre natal care you wanted.

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