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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by Peanut101

Q: Last weeks.. need advice

How do you get through the last couple of weeks..?
The waiting anxiety and excitement..
And achiness, rethinking every movement baby makes, every could-be contraction, every BH...

Dealing with family duties, caring for hubby (who seems to be freaking out a bit and "fed up with all the baby stuff" without admitting it..)

I'm down, weepy and tired and although I am of course looking forward SO MUCH for baby's arrival,
I need some tips on getting through the last few weeks..


This question was asked Jun. 3, 2012 10:10am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Jun. 3, 2012 11:52am
the last days can be the worst! it seems like every day is a week, but it will happen. Try to enjoy the rest of your pregnancy the best you can, i personally always missed being pregnant after the baby was born. so relax and enjoy!
and as for analyzing every ache and movement, when its labor you will most certainly know.
Make sure you have hospital bags ready, everything for baby in its place so you dont have to organize after you get back from the hospital.
another thing i would do is make sure you have some quick/easy meals ready for when you get home. if your out shopping buy some easy put together things, or you could even make a couple casseroles or lasagnas and stick them in the freezer. that way you (or your husband) dont have to spend time away from baby trying to make supper.

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Answered by a member - Jun. 4, 2012 4:37am
Last few weeks are the WORST Honey....with my daughter I did alot of crying and getting angry and we went to the hospital with four false alarms before she was born b/c I was so uncomfortable and didn't know what a contraction felt like. Try working on some stuff that you won't have time to do when baby comes like getting photo album or scrapbooking all ready and just leave space to insert pictures. I did ALOT of walking...its wonderful for your labor and my daughter came nine days ealry! Make meals ahead of time, pack your hospital bag, try to take care of all those pending or annoying tasks that you never seem to get to during busy life b/c you won't have time when baby comes and it helps pass the time now. And for the labor....BEST advice...when you cannot walk or talk through a contraction then its time! Good luck sweetie!

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