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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by BabyLove

Q: Fustrating to the max!!

Ok so i was just wondering if anyone can share there stories with me i am due in 3 days other than having the occasional braxton hicks i have had no pain or indication this baby is coming im getting so fustrated because now he will be a week late ive just had this feeling for weeks he wont arrive on time im just fed up i wanna meet him already and sick of all this weight...stupid hospital wont induce me till 10 days after i think i might go insane. So was wondering anyone else not had any pains at all then all ov a sudden they come out of nowhere i feel so normal its ridiculous!!!

This question was asked Jul. 30, 2012 1:59am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by Ecpate - Aug. 2, 2012 1:54pm
I just had my baby girl Monday morning and she was not late at all. However, she did come somewhat unexpectedly. I felt fine all day (as fine as you can feel being that pregnant in 99 degrees). My hubby and I raked the yard in the morning and then watched the Olympics and a movie. I had really bad heartburn (worst ever) the day before and the day of, so that might have been a sign but that was it. I didn't have any contractions at all that day. Then we went to the store and I felt a mild period cramp and like I was leaking fluid. I wasn't sure if I was leaking pee or if my water broke since there was no gush at all, but it kept coming and I looked like I wet my pants in just a few minutes so I figured it was time. I only had mild contractions afterwards for the next couple hours but went to to hospital anyway since my water broke. I hope that helps. I know how frustrating it is because they told me she would come "any day now" for 3 weeks before she actually did. Hang in ther

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Answered by redhead628 - Jul. 31, 2012 6:19pm
With my 4th I had no contractions at all. Laid down in bed that night and felt some fluid...so I went to the bathroom and thought i had just peed on myself. I got up and walked to the door and more fluid went down my leg. I was having contractions and didn't know it. It is possible...chin up!

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Answered by Brittany0915 - Jul. 31, 2012 10:37am
i went to bed at 9pm, having what i thought was braxton hicks contractions (but i guess they were real) woke up at 1am when my water broke! i had no clue it was going to happen so soon. (i was 37 weeks and not expecting labor for weeks)

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Answered by kimberlyjanow2434 - Jul. 30, 2012 8:50pm
my last was born at 34weeks i didnt have any sighn but slight cramping that went away 4am the next morring i woke with extremley bad pain cpl hours latter he was born 6lbs 3oz

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Answered by JuneBrideCarter - Jul. 30, 2012 6:50pm
If you feel the need to help stimulate labor, I may have something that will help.
Oxytocin is the chemical that causes contractions. when people think of naturally inducing labor, some of the first things brought up are nipple stimulation and sex, but this article talks about oxytocin's role in everyday life.
Oxytocin can actually be triggered in the brain from things as simple as cuddling, partner dancing, a good long hug. Even just thinking about someone you love unconditionally that you know loves you can release oxytocin into your system.
I realized that every time I have contractions, it's when I'm feeling comfortable, safe, and loved.

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Answered by Stellar222 - Jul. 30, 2012 1:46pm
My water broke out of nowhere. Looking back I realize that while I was grocery shopping that same day, I had some pain. I thought it was regular back pain but am now thinking maybe it was a contraction. But no, I had no long labor pains - just woke up at 3am to pee and bamn - water broke. Good luck honey

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Answered by Steph35 - Jul. 30, 2012 11:19am
I'm almost 38 weeks and I don't have any signs that my little one wants to come out anytime soon. I guess she's too comfortable (which is great for her because I've never been this uncomfortable in my life!) LOL I don't have much cramping at all. I think these last few weeks have felt longer than the entire first and second trimesters combined! I'm just very ready to mee my baby girl:-)

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Answered by beckster - Jul. 30, 2012 9:52am
I didnt have any indication that my baby was coming until the day it happened. I was 1 day over due. The contractions started about 10am and slowly got stronger and more frequent throughout the day, went to the hospital that evening and had him early the following morning. It is hard waiting and the not knowing when its going to happen is though. But hang in there and before you know it you'll be holding your little one. Good luck.

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Answered by envel86 - Jul. 30, 2012 6:47am
i was one week late with my daughter. I felt just like you..Then a week after my due date I had cramping and then my wayer broke..... :) Good Luck i know how you feel!!!!!

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