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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by kermitpants

Q: Brown and pink spotting in early pregnancy..

I have a 6 year old daughter - throughout that healthy pregnancy, I didn't spot once. No cause for concern at all.

I have had 4 miscarriages and each of those started out with spotting...

I am now 4 weeks and 4 days pregnant again and have been spotting since my period was due... shall I just accept the inevitable? Or is there a chance that I dont know my own body as well as I think I do?

I am so desperate for another baby.... and now so worried it'll never happen for us.

My daughters father and I are no longer together and the miscarriages have been with my new partner.

This question was asked Jul. 31, 2012 4:28am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by estone - Jul. 31, 2012 5:13am
I spotted brown from week 6-13, it is actually very common in early pregnancy. good luck to you.

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Answered by zaiobaio - Jul. 31, 2012 9:08am
I had brown spotting/ discharge from week 4 to the end of week 7 .Sometimes was a bit more and really scared me , but never had cramps or any other pain ....and always was brown....Then stopped in week 7 and in week 8 I saw healthy baby and heart beat...So it could be something normal ..., but always you have to inform your doc for any discharge or spotting especially if you had miscarriage before

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Answered by dmartin65 - Jul. 31, 2012 1:20pm
I also spotted brown discharge from about 5 weeks until about 12 weeks. No pain or cramping. My OB said it is normal, but you should tell your doctor of ANY spotting. Especially if it turns red or you get cramping. Good luck hun.

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Jul. 31, 2012 11:33am
As long as the spotting isn't bright red, it's normal. I spotted at 6w2d, and everything turned out fine :) best of luck!!

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