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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by JSprad05

Q: Not sure what to think...

This is my fourth pregnancy and for some reason I don't feel all that pregnant. I know the baby is there because at five weeks I had a scare and went to the e.r. While there I found out that I had a small cyst and a small subcorianic hemorrage. I have not had any bleeding or spotting since that one scare but the doc kept talking about a miscarriage. Every since then I have been scared of having one or going to the doctor and the baby not be alive anymore. Has anyone else felt like this? I do feel sick most days but nothing too severe but one huge indicator for me has always been sore breast which I haven't had at all. I am exactly 7 weeks today. Any advice??

This question was asked Sep. 12, 2012 3:17pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by Lucky3 - Sep. 12, 2012 4:14pm
You sound just like me. I'm on my 3rd pregnancy and I did feel nauseated but I never got sick. It freaked me out. I also have a sch and my only real symptom most days is sore bbs. I swear I will "check" them just to say yep, still sore.
Best thing I can say is try to not worry. Stay away from questions, stories and convincing yourself of m/c. If you have symptoms call your doc. Don't self diagnose. Sleep, eat well and enjoy. Try to stay positive and perhaps you can invest in a home Doppler so that when you're further along, you don't have to wait the tortuous weeks in between appointments to hear that reassuring sound. I waited and didn't get one, then I was regretting that because now I really wish I had!
Best wishes to you! H&H9!

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