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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Q: ?

AF was due 10th November, but got BFP from 7th November, midstream and digital. Started to bleed yesterday, only on wiping, but bright red. I haven't even marked a pad, even after a 3 mile dog walk today. I have no pain at all. We did BD on Sunday and Monday night, nothing vigorous though. I'm going to go out and buy some more tests today, but could it be an early MC? I have had 2 missed MC in the last year at 8 and 11 weeeks.

This question was asked Nov. 14, 2012 1:17pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by FirstTimeMommy1106 - Nov. 14, 2012 2:01pm
I had a m/c last August. Me and my hubby tried for seven months the second time around before I FINALLY got a BFP. And when I did, I couldn't believe it and took 12 tests.... yeah ;) I had so much cramping around 5-6 weeks I thought for sure I was gunna lose my baby and I just cried and cried. Then I started bleeding on top of it. It was bright red as well, but only when I wiped. But it didn't stop me from being scared and emotional and worried. I probably freaked myself out right up until last week. I'm now 40w1d and didn't relax almost my entire pregnancy, even after seeing her on the u/s, hearing her heartbeat, feeling her move... I was always worried! I want you to know she's a prefectly healthy baby, as healthy as they come. DON'T STRESS HUNNY! Just relax and enjoy they ride, everything will be okay. The more you stress, the worse it is for you and your sweet baby. Believe me, I know it's not easy, but once you go with the flow it DOES get easier and you can breathe. Best of luck!

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Answered by -Lee-B - Nov. 14, 2012 1:52pm
This early on it can go either way so trying to analyze all the little things will just make you panic!

As well, doing the preggo test daily won't reveal too much so try to wait a week, or at least a few days. If you do have an early MC your body won't register it for at least a few days and will keep giving positive results. For piece of mind have a doc run blood work. This pregnancy thing is so complicated! It doesn't help that signs of pregnancy and of menstral symptoms and of early miscarriage can all look the same at times...it's enough to drive anyone crazy!!!

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Answered by purplemusik - Nov. 14, 2012 1:22pm
I've seen it go either way in this situation hun. I'd get the tests and call your DR- so they can test your HCG just incase. Good Luck!

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