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Category: Expecting Multiples

Asked by a member

Q: HCG levels doubling in 1.6 days...13615 at 24dpo...is this multiples?

I wondered if anyone could help me as I am concerned about my HCG levels.

My HCG levels have been rising quickly and doubled in 1.6 days this week.

16dpo- 507
21dpo- 3702
24 dpo - 13615

Could this be twins? I am concerned as I have been reading websites that say that this could be multiplies. Did anyone have these levels with twins or single babies?


This question was asked Nov. 4, 2011 6:34am
Category: Expecting Multiples

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Answered by ImACamp - Nov. 15, 2011 7:20pm
Yay! Congrats!

You must be pretty lucky to have gotten pregnant so quickly after a m/c.

Congrats on the sticky baby!

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Answered by a member - Nov. 15, 2011 7:45am

I just wanted to post a quick update. I had my first scan yesterday and there is only one baby with a beating hearth! It was awesome to see after a miscarriage last month and I guess the high HCG mean that it is sticky!!

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Answered by KatieS - Nov. 8, 2011 6:32pm
I also had strong numbers like that :-) but i am having only one. sounds like you have a sticky baby in there! congrats!

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Answered by ImACamp - Nov. 5, 2011 12:50am
Mine did the same. HCG levels doubling so quickly, or being so high, could mean a couple of things, one being multiples, the other being that the baby is very sticky. It's a good strong pregnancy! Congratulations!

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