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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by a member

Q: People who know about or have miscarried

So I am 10 weeks and on Friday i had a light pink tinged discharge all day, I was sick like the flu with a fever on sat. and that night I started seeing stringy bright red blood in my discharge when I wiped. Then Sunday I have begun bleeding more and more now till finally this morning I am bleeding like I am on a period. Overnight I wore a pad and it was covered this morning, I have had cramping this whole pregnancy and over the last three days the cramping hasjust been normal, am not any horrid pain. Are these all things that happend to you if and when you miscarried? I am going to make an appt. with a doc this morning I have not seen one yet.

This question was asked Dec. 3, 2012 3:59pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by monroezelda - Dec. 5, 2012 10:31am
I was 11 weeks when I woke up feeling like I has wet myself, I checked and it was bright red blood filling my underwear, I went straight to the ER, as thats what we are advised to do with red blood in pregnancy here in liverpool (uk) so they checked me out said cervix was still closed, they couldnt offer me a scan cos the technition was not there, so they booked me in for 2 days later, the baby was measuring at 7 weeks and I had a huge clot the size of a dinner plate next to the sac. no heartbeat etc, they suspected a partial molar pregnancy so I had to have a D&c for tests, turns out it was just a normal MC. I never had any pains the whole time, but I bled from November 21st to mid jan, then had a normal period then a week of no bleeding then bled heavily with huge clots for the whole of feb I had 2 periods in march an april an it seems I dont get period pains anymore. I got pregnant again in may currently 30 weeks. good luck hope it all works out.

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Answered by kristen1307 - Dec. 5, 2012 6:11am
Finally got some answers but really no straight forward I misscarried or not.... but the baby who by my calculations should be 10 wks 2 days is measuring 7 wks and 5 or 6 days. The doctor did not see movement, a heartbeat or a yolk sac, so the pregnancy is no longer viable it looks like. I have to go in Thursday for another scan to see if the baby has grown or shrunk or anything. Needless to say I am devastated and very angry at the world right now. Good luck and best of wishes to everyone else.

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Answered by Bostonmama08 - Dec. 3, 2012 10:16pm
Just reading that my heart breaks for you. Your best bet is to let your doctor know...so he/she can monitor you while you're having your m/c. Most likely the doctor will just let you finish the m/c on your own....and then send you for bloodwork to check your levels after the bleeding has subsided.

I am so so sorry. We lost our 7w4d baby girl (had genetics test on the baby after my D&C so we got to find out the sex through that) at the end of October....so I know that the loss really sucks.

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Answered by a member - Dec. 3, 2012 9:52pm
Thanks you ladies SOOO much for sharing your expierences I can only imagine how painful and emotional they were. I tried to get a doc. appt this morning an even after telling the lady on the phone that I was bleeding and cramping she said there was not one for 4 days. So I still do not know what to do I hate doctors and never go to the doc unless i am dying (literally). However the blood had turned brown and I thought that was a good sign cause I thought itwas stopping but it has not I think I will bite my tongue and go to the ER because the bleeding is not stopping and although I am not sure if the cramps have gotten worse I think they have its hard to tell because I have a very high threshold for pain. Not to mention I really need to know either way.. I have not seen a doc. and I just want to know something. Thanks again ladies!

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Answered by a member - Dec. 3, 2012 8:20pm
i had a miscarrige at 10 weeks, i had a fever for a day or 2 before it happened. i never had any cramps at all, i was sitting under a blanket feeling sick and stood up to go to the bathroom, then blood ran down my leg. we went to the ER right away and the bleeding got worse and wouldnt stop. i had to sit in the waiting room for 2 hours while clots the size of my fist came out of me. it was terrible, to go through something like that in a waiting room with dozens of people around staring at me. they finally took me in, attempted to remove "waste" with a little tool the doctor used,,while i was wide awake and on no pain meds. it was HORRIBLE. it slowed the bleeding, had an ultrasound, they tried again to pull pieces out, couldnt get it all. i ended up bleeding so bad i almost went into cardiac arrest and had a blood transfusion. finally had a D&C to remove everything an stop the bleeding. i pray no one has to go through something so terrible.

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Answered by dmartin65 - Dec. 3, 2012 5:54pm
The gush was blood and it had completely soaked my underwear and sweatpants. When I sat down to use the toilet, that is when I saw I had miscarried (I won't go into detail). My husband called an ambulance immediately. I had no true cramping until after the baby had already passed. It was like labor pains and they had to put me on pain medication while in the hospital. Please, please call your doctor and get an appointment immediately or go to the ER to be safe. I truly hope and pray that you just are experiencing some bleeding because I do not wish a m/c at any week on any woman, ever. Luckily we conceived a month later and I am now 31 weeks with my sweet baby girl. My heart and prayers are with you.

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Answered by dmartin65 - Dec. 3, 2012 5:50pm
Mine was very unexpected. At 13 weeks, I had a sonogram, and everything was fine. However a day or two later I got a fever and lost my appetite. Fever was over 100, so we called my OB. He told me to come in the next morning, first thing. I did and we heard the heartbeat, but he suspected I had a bladder infection. So he prescribed me some biotics and told me to go home and rest. He said if I started getting a backache or clotting to call him. (I had been clotting just few times a couple of days before). I went home, took my antibiotic and rested, trying to eat as much as I could with no appetite. That evening around 7p.m, I laid down on the couch because the recliner was uncomfortable. I noticed that my back was hurting so I got up to go to the bathroom. When I stood up I felt a gush and just thought I had some bleeding (which I had been doing on and off through my pregnancy). However, when I got to the bathroom I realized something was horribly wrong...cont....

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Answered by LalaRiley - Dec. 3, 2012 4:08pm
When I had my miscarriage in April, it was like the worst period I had ever had. So much thick, clotted, bright red blood I was going through tampons hourly. And the cramps were TERRIBLE. I thought my stomach was going to fall out or something. I had just gotten a faint positive a few days earlier, so I called my doctor and was sent to the ER. It was a terrible experience, I hadn't told my husband about the test yet, so he had no idea and when I told him I was in the ER he freaked out. That was the end of TTC for us. Surprisingly, I got pregnant again in August and I carried tampons with me for the first month because I didn't want to be unprepared when the worst happened.

To try and make you feel better, some women continue getting their period for months after becoming pregnant. Some women just spot and lots have cramps. Hopefully, everything will be okay for you, but definitely go see the doctor. Wishing you lots of good luck, and feel free to message me if you need to talk.

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