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Category: Pregnancy & Work

Asked by a member

Q: Im a nanny and pregnant!

Hello lovely ladies!
So I am currently 7 weeks and working as a nanny for two girls 1 and 3. I work for a really good family but im scared to tell them im pregnant because I don't want to lose my job. When do you think the appropriate time should be? How many weeks?
I would love the feedback!
Thank you so much!

This question was asked Jan. 29, 2013 6:22pm
Category: Pregnancy & Work

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Answered by NovBabyK - Mar. 29, 2013 3:31pm
Wow, I'm in the same boat. I am a nanny for a family with a 3yr old boy and a six month old girl. I am six weeks along. I told my employers last week. They were very understanding and supportive. I am still unsure as to what the future holds though. Ideally I would like to bring my baby with me to work (since I can't afford daycare) but I'm not sure how they feel about it. Also I am trying to figure out if I can get disability from the state to cover the time that I am off.

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Answered by OurMiracle - Jan. 29, 2013 8:46pm
Agreed. Id wait til second trimester and u had enough scans for reassurance ur baby is healthy. Congratulations!!

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Answered by Kynlees_Mommy - Jan. 29, 2013 6:47pm
I would wait until 12 weeks just to be certain everything is just fine! Most people are more understanding than you expect so whenever you feel the time is right then go for it! Congrats on your baby and good luck with everything! :)

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