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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by ElaLoub

Q: Pros & cons - Being induced???

Hi Ladies! I will be 39w3d on Monday and am going to be induced if baby does not arrive before then! I'm kinda scared and not sure what to expect. Has any of you been induced and what was your experiences???

This question was asked Apr. 4, 2013 6:12am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by BenjaminsMommy2012 - Apr. 12, 2013 8:51pm
I was induced after my laborstalled. i was in early labor since the day pre vious in 2012. After my water broke my labor stalled at 7 cm and they gave me Pitocin. i didnt help but made it worse. i stalled for another fifty some hours before i progressed again. but my baby was early. when he was born at 35 weeks after two days of labor he was fine just sluggish from prolonged labor. pitocin is no fun. if u have back labor makes it worse. sometimes like in my case stops labor completly. didnt get a c section tho. i wish. good luck

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Answered by dawgs727 - Apr. 5, 2013 12:11am
I was induced with my first daughter at 39 weeks. It was easy for me. Had the baby in six hours and my water broke on its own. The contractions were pretty intense with the pitocin so I asked for the epidural pretty quickly. So overall I had a great experience. For my second daughter (born in March) I went into labor on my own at 36 weeks but my baby was having decels, and I was having blood pressure issues so they also started pitocin to expedite the whole thing. They broke my water and started the pitocin and I had her three hours later. I had to labor longer than I wanted without the epidural due to waiting on labs which was pretty uncomfortable, but once again overall it was a positive experience.

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Answered by ElaLoub - Apr. 4, 2013 7:02pm
Thanks ladies!

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Answered by Layne-Shane - Apr. 4, 2013 6:10pm
I was induced both times ,son at 42 and a half weeks and dd at 39 weeks 6 days,it was horrible each time,labor over 12 hours for both....BUT i cant have an epidural,they cant find right place to put in spine since i have a curvature , they tried 5 times for ds and 1 for dd. Contractions where non stop , like 3 min long with 20-30 second break. I will try my hardest to get a c section this time but i have to be knocked out for since cant do the numbing thing. idk if it would have been different going into labor on my own but that doesnt seem to happen . ds they broke water, dd they left it happen on own,both equally as horrible to me :(

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Answered by BGGirl - Apr. 4, 2013 4:02pm
I was induced at 40w due to having high blood pressure that day at my regular OB appointment that they just couldn't get to come back down. I hadn't eaten lunch yet and had been waiting in the doctor's office for three hours for my appointment. I REALLY wished I had gotten a chance to eat beforehand because once they sent me over to L&D, I wasn't allowed to have anything to eat/drink after that. I was already 2cm and had been for a week. They started the pitocin at 7:30pm and I got my epidural at 4cm (about 9:30) and they also broke my water around that time. I was fully dilated by 12:30am and they wanted me to push. Unbeknownst to us, my DD was face up and not face down so she was caught on the pubic bone and didn't want to come down in the birth canal easily. I didn't have the urge to push so they turned off my epidural. I pushed for 4 hours before we finally got her to come down and once I got the urge to push.. it didn't take long at all. The being induced wasn't bad thou

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Answered by brittthomp4 - Apr. 4, 2013 3:53pm
I was induced with both of my children at 39 weeks, I did the pitocin which gave me boring contractions but when they broke my waters each time I had the baby within two hours. I had no pain relief and the pain was very intense and I felt like I had no time to rest in between contractions. I am not sure if it was breaking my water or doing the pitocin which made my labor fast but if I could do it all again, I would wait til I went into labor all on my own.

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Answered by littlesteph - Apr. 4, 2013 2:38pm
I was induced at 36 weeks and 4 days.
once they start you off you know in at least 3 days you'll have your little, got told it could take up to 3 days.
they'll give you a pill, gose up the cervix, after 6 hours if it's not softened enough you get another then if after another 6 hours still nothing they'll either get you the gel or try and break your waters, not sure what happens after that. i found after an hour of having the first pill i started getting contractions lasted between 2 to 5 minutes i also had the feeling of my hips being ripped apart. about 15 minutes after the second my contractions went down to every 28 seconds patheden was my best friend at that point i got so much needed sleep, after the 6 hour point they broke my waters and the pain got really intense. my baby quickly started to ger stressed and his heart rate keep going down at one point it stopped for a few seconds it was then they checked again how far i was dilated i was only 2cm so put me in for a emcs.

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Answered by Maybebaby - Apr. 4, 2013 10:30am
I was induced at 33 weeks due to bub passing away, I was only dilated 1cm and no even effaced, they started me on the gel, and progesterone wafers. 2 days into it and I was only dilated 2cm and only slightly effaced, my contractions were painful but I could tolerate them, on the third day they decided they would break my waters and hook me up to a drip with pitocin, I wanted as natural as possible so only started on the gas, after they broke my waters the contractions came hard and fast, I bearly used the pitocin drip at all, and as soon as active labour began I didn't bother with the gas, plus it was to late for the pethadine needle so I gave birth all natural! The labour itself was hard and painful but it being my first baby I didn't expect anything less, by the end of birthing I had established a coping mechanism and the pain was tolerable, good luck with ur bub I hope it all works out! Brightest blessings

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Answered by kirsty18 - Apr. 4, 2013 7:21am
I was induced with both mine and it was fine both time had a epidural with my first but was to fast with my second so unfortunately I didn't get one with my second. Good luck

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Answered by tickingbean - Apr. 4, 2013 7:12am
My water broke at 35+ weeks, but I didn't go into labor, so they had to induce me. Pitocin is really strong, so makes your contractions stronger. Without water to cushion the contractions, it's even stronger. It really depends on how you envisioned your birth. I was planning to do epidural, but wanted to get as far as I could without it. I couldn't go very far because it was too intense too fast. And, then because she was so early, and the contractions were too strong, her heart rate started decelerating and not coming back, so I had to get rushed for an emergency c-section. My experience, and those that I know that got it, is similar. It seems that if you get it, it increases your chance for a c-section. Just because it is so strong. But, why is doctor going to induce before due date? If it is for a medical reason or size issue, then you need to trust your gut and listen to your doctor. Nothing outweighs the safety of you and your baby. Hope this helps? :)

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