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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by KaylaBee

Q: 36 Weeks dr said to prepare for a c-section as he thinks my baby might be too big for my build.

I am 5'2 and petite. I had my appointment with the OB to confirm the position of the baby's head and he asked me my height, How big i was when i was born and my partner. (Both small)
He told me to be prepared for a C-section as he thinks my baby will be too big for my frame. I thought that was a myth? He said i would be lucky to naturally deliver anything over 7 pounds?

This question was asked Jul. 20, 2013 11:14am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jul. 22, 2013 3:14pm
btw Kelliers, I absolutely agree with you that there are a lot of c-sections that are performed unnecessarily. There are a lot of different reason for that. However, just because of that, we cannot assume that someone's recommendation to have the procedure is unnecessary. Instead, we should encourage those people to seek second opinions if they wish, educated themselves, and ultimately make the decision that will ensure the easiest and safest delivery for the mother and the baby. If the procedure is ultimately necessary, we don not want to make the mother feel like she is being scammed or that she has been cheated out of a vaginal birth.

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jul. 22, 2013 2:40pm
Kelliers, I am sure that there are Doctors that are not ethical, just like any other profession. What I said is that if you do not trust your Doctor, then you should not be seeing him/her. And, not true that all bodies are designed for vaginal birth. Some women just simply do not have wide enough hips for a baby of a certain size to fit through. As far as doing what feels right to you, getting a second opinion- absolutely. Ignoring advise from a trusted Doctor that tells you a vaginal birth could be more stressful or potentially dangerous for you or your baby- not so smart and selfish. You absolutely have the right to decide how you want to deliver. I think it is wonderful to speak up and ask questions or address concerns. You just have to be educated and informed before you make the decision. You want your child to come into the world in the least stressful and least dangerous way possible. I hope you all have a wonderful birth experience!

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Answered by kelliers - Jul. 22, 2013 1:12pm
That all sounds nice TrulyBlessed but there is a reason our c-section rate is way too high in this country and it's because doctors would prefer to do things on their time instead of letting give birth. Your body is designed for child birth. C-sections are major surgery but they will give you so little time to let your labor progress before they send you in to be cut open. I told my doctor from day one that they aren't touching me with a knife unless it was an emergency and that I wouldn't be arriving at the hospital until I was nearly ready to push. Sometimes you have to be assertive-it sounds nice to have a doctor you can trust but you should always do what feels right to you-even if that means getting a second opinion to be sure.

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jul. 21, 2013 9:24pm
If you or anyone thinks that you Doctor would mislead you or have you do an unnecessary procedure for his own benefit or for his/her own schedule, then you should be seeing another Doctor. You should have complete trust in the Doctor that you choose. My Doctor is highly experienced, and would only recommend what is best for me and my baby. I was told at the beginning of my first pregnancy that anything over 5 pounds would be very difficult for me due to having narrow hips and very petite build. Some women just do not have wide enough hips. (btw, weight does not necessarily determine the width of your hips). If you have concerns or questions, by all means discuss it with your Doctor. However, do not let others convince you that you are being scammed, or that you know better than someone who delivers babies for a living. You have to do what is best for you and your baby. It will be a beautiful experience, no matter how your child is delivered into the world.

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Answered by kelliers - Jul. 21, 2013 8:06pm
They essentially manipulated my friend into being induced on the doctor's schedule by telling her that her baby would be huge if she didn't-she wasn't even at her due date yet and they were telling her they baby would't fit. She spent two days getting no sleep after being induced at the hospital just to have a 7 lb baby. I would take what you're told with a grain of salt and get an opinion from someone whose schedule doesn't depend on when you deliver. If a doctor who has no reason to tell you otherwise suggests it would be safer then you might consider it.

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Answered by redrouge - Jul. 20, 2013 8:34pm
i had a 2 c section due to a narrow pelvis.however they did induce me first on my first but nothing happened.but now i think about it i dont think they should have induced me because if my pelvis was narrow and if i had have gone into labour then baby would never have fitted out and might have gotton distressed or anything.so in my opinion do prepare ureself because at the end of day once u and baby are safe you wont mind what way they come out..good luck....

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Answered by TrulyBlessed101 - Jul. 20, 2013 7:53pm
True, it can be done (delivering vaginally). However, I am sure that your Doctor wants what is best for you and your baby. I had a friend that chose to have her baby vaginally after her Doctor recommended a c-section due to the same reason, she was very small and her baby was over average. It was a very difficult birth for her. Her hips were too narrow for the baby, so the delivery was long and very difficult. She also had substantial tearing from one end to the other, and had to have several stitches. It took her a lot longer to heal. I was also told with my first pregnancy that it would be very difficult and possibly dangerous to deliver vaginally due to my size. I chose to have a c-section. It was a wonderful experience for me. Sometimes, you have to let go of your own idea of what you think the birth should be, and do what is best for you and your baby. However, there is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion if you feel the need to. Best of luck to you!

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Answered by hopefullll - Jul. 20, 2013 12:08pm
Don't put too much worry into this. Something ridiculous like 70% of c-sections are unnecessary but are done for convenience and $$$ of course. If you want a natural delivery you may have to demand it. However, sometimes they are completely necessary for the health of you and baby so prepare for it in case you need it but for now do your research and possibly talk to another OB to get more options. Also, I have a friend who was pretty tiny (never bigger than a size 4) and she delivered 9.5 lb baby naturally so it can be done. Best of luck with whatever happens!

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