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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by lyssa787

Q: Contractions...the long wait.

I started having contractions last night that are very unlike my BH ones. These start in my back and radiate forward, and go over my belly button. The BH ones are always lower and not in my back at all. They were around every 1/2 hour - 45 minutes last night while I was awake. I have no idea the consistency after 11pm because sometimes they woke me up but im sure i could've slept thru some too. They weren't really painful. Now this morning they are getting closer together and stronger- about every half hour earlier, and now around every 20 minutes. They only last maybe a minute, and are starting to stop me in my tracks, but im not in a lot of pain. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this sloooooow progression of labor?? No mucus plug, no water breaking. I'm pretty sure these aren't BH but im also just really hoping they arent :P What do you ladies think?

This question was asked Aug. 27, 2013 3:27pm
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by savyrose27 - Aug. 28, 2013 7:00am
I know how you feel! I felt like I was on the verge of labor for weeks! I lost my plug at 37 weeks. Then I randomly started having contractions. At one point they were 7 minutes apart for an hour! I was so sure that would be the night, but they stopped. Very annoying. At one point I thought my water broke, but to my embarrassment it was just urine. Finally, 5 days before my due date I woke up with regular contractions that were about 3 minutes apart and getting stronger. We went to the hospital and 6 hours later I had my little girl! Now the months of waiting feel like a blur!

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Answered by lyssa787 - Aug. 28, 2013 1:44am
just an update: called the nurses around 5pm and they told me it sounded like real contractions, but not to come in until they were painful or 5 minutes apart, or my water broke. Of course, around 2 hours after that, they stopped :( kinda hoping they come back tonight. im torn between sad and relieved haha

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Answered by eag923 - Aug. 27, 2013 6:27pm
Lyssa, apparently your water breaking BEFORE contractions start is something just in the movies and NOT the ideal situation. As my OB told me, something made my water break, however, my uterus wasn't ready because at 36 weeks my daughter wasn't full term. That's why the contractions never started. I have my fingers crossed that this little one that I am carrying now will not get any grand ideas and decide to come a full month early!

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Answered by lyssa787 - Aug. 27, 2013 6:24pm
still happening around every 20 minutes!! Getting a little more painful, but still more uncomfortable than painful. Like putting on SUPER tight jeans for about 45 seconds at a time.

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 27, 2013 4:51pm
Oh someone does it to all the comments. Nothing is immune from stupidity, I guess. Are they still regular or did they back off a little? I bet you go into full on labor soon!! I'm excited for you :)

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Answered by lyssa787 - Aug. 27, 2013 4:04pm
Thanks ladies :) Eag, that's crazy!! I have never heard a No contractions story before. Kelliers - unfortunately im at work lol. Thank you for reminding me that just because this may not be the "norm" doesn't mean its bad. I just have to remember that my body is an individual and baby will get here when he gets here. :P
I'm not sure who keeps marking your comments as unhelpful...but it was not me haha

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Answered by kelliers - Aug. 27, 2013 3:38pm
Everyone is different but this isn't anything unusual. If you really believe you're in labor you might take advantage of your bath while you have it. It will ease some of the pain :) Good luck! Hope you have a little one in your arms soon!

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Answered by eag923 - Aug. 27, 2013 3:33pm
I wish I knew! I lost my plug at 35 weeks, my water broke at 36 weeks, but I never had a contraction! Not a single one! I was given Pitocin at the hospital to kick start labor and lasted two hours before I gave in to the epidural. I do remember what those contractions felt like - very similar to menstrual cramps except a lot more painful. Sorry I can't be of more help! No two labors are alike! Good luck to you!

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