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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by mariaoronia

Q: Im 17 weeks and 2 days and ive felt my baby move before now quit often but now i dont feel him.

I dont feel my baby as much as i use to im very worried i may have done something wrong i k ay on my tummy alot and i wear tight jeans still and i reach over my head for things alot plus i sometimes go a day or two without eating due to nausea

This question was asked Sep. 25, 2013 5:55am
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by kelliers - Sep. 25, 2013 12:46pm
This early on you will feel him at times more than others. That is perfectly normal. If you lay down and are quiet after drinking or eating something sugary you may be able to get him to fidget. Keep in mind at this point baby is still very small and he could have changed to a position which makes it harder for you to feel his kicks.

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Answered by kelliers - Sep. 25, 2013 12:47pm
Also, you should never be going any days without eating. Your baby needs the calories now to grow. If you are feeling that lousy you need to work with your doctor to find a solution so you can eat. I was also going to say that at that point in time there would sometimes be several days between feeling kicks for me.

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Answered by cjsmamma08 - Jan. 2, 2014 12:34am
i would def go get checked i lost my baby girl at 19 weeks but she had some health issues which caused her to pass away but my dr had told me that with not feeling the movement is a good reason to go to the ob or er especially if you have felt it before on a regular basis, i would go get check hun it is better to be safe

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Answered by KateGreen - Oct. 2, 2013 9:58pm
Go get checked out, and ask for some medication for the nausea. I was taking unisom and b6 earlier in my pregnancy but I was too sleepy to keep up with normal day-to-day activities and at 9 weeks was prescribed zofran, it's worked wonders. Zofran is kind of expensive but it makes a MASSIVE difference. I was too afraid to take it in my first pregnancy (2005) but it's been used for years now without problems.

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Answered by Mjc9277 - Sep. 25, 2013 8:23am
I think you should visit your midwife or doctor ASAP to get baby checked out...

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Answered by hopefullll - Sep. 25, 2013 1:06pm
Two words- ebay and doppler. For $50 you can have piece of mind. I've only needed to use mine 5 times in 9 months but it is by far the best investment I've made due to saving me trips to the hospital out of fear that something is wrong.

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Answered by ashleydshey - Sep. 25, 2013 5:33pm
Baby might be kicking the back of your uterus making it harder to feel. Your baby is still pretty tiny at this point. Some women do not feel movement until after 18-20 weeks. Counting kicks is not recommended until after 25 weeks. Even then babies have lazy days too. Some days they are very active and other days not so much. I have also gotten very nervous about baby. It's impossible not to.worry but try to relax. I personally think a doppler is a great tool to help in these situations. :)
If you are not eating, your glucose may be low and that could also be a contributing factor to less fetal movement. Try to eat small meals throughout the day. It will help with the nausea. If you can't eat at all, a trip to the ob is probably a good idea.
Good luck doll. I hope you feel better soon. :)

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