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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by WaldoBaby

Q: No Period after miscarriage. Info from experience? Thanks!

I had a miscarriage last month on 8/16. I was "supposed" to be 8 weeks, but my HCG levels never got much over 1500. By 8/22 my HCG levels were back to normal. I stopped bleeding probably around the 20th. Since then, I have had only discharge. Some that looks like old blood, then just the normal stuff. One day I went to the bathroom about 2 weeks ago, and there was some blood, but I haven't seen anything since. Before I was pretty regular having 28-30 day cycles typically. My husband and I have not been being careful, and we aren't "trying". Therefore, we haven't really been using OPK's, so I have no idea if I have even ovulated. I guess I just don't want to get my hopes up that it may be a possibility so soon. I took a test mid-week last week, and it was negative. So, I guess I just don't know what to think. Anyone have a story to share? I heard you can treat bleeding from a miscarriage like your last period? This was my first pregnancy and hopefully ONLY miscarriag

This question was asked Sep. 25, 2013 2:41pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by kate80 - Sep. 25, 2013 5:58pm
After my 1st mc I got bfp 4 weeks after with no af in between and no bleeding (bled for 6 days during mc) I was 7 weeks that one finish in mc as well at 13w4d (baby died at 8 weeks ) I bled for 3 days then week off some spotting and week off and it was going like that till 6 weeks after when the af arrived hope it helps

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Answered by Debs1983 - Sep. 25, 2013 4:02pm
Hi Waldo I'm sorry for your loss, have you been checked for retained products? I mc last year and I had similar to what your describing and it turned out there was a small something left behind, gd luck x

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Answered by Debs1983 - Oct. 2, 2013 8:40pm
Aw congrats Waldo baby I mc 31st July then convinced 12 days later it's funny how things work out

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Answered by WaldoBaby - Oct. 1, 2013 3:16pm
Thank you for your help ladies. I got a positive hpt Friday. :)

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