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Category: Miscarriage & Loss

Asked by gotababylady

Q: How to be calm a trust that everything will be okay?

I am 11 weeks and I have done nothing but be afraid. I had a blighted ovum in June and it has really shaken me. When I found I this time I was pregnant I couldn't even be happy because I was so scared for it to happen again. I had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and we saw baby and heartbeat of 146. I thought that would be enough to calm me but it hasn't. I try to stay calm remember that staying worry free is the best thing for the baby but I just feel constantly afraid. I have an ultrasound on Monday my husband wants our 10 and 8 year old to come and enjoy the experience but all I keep thinking is what if i lost the baby. Please help me keep hope and be strong.

This question was asked Dec. 19, 2013 5:45pm
Category: Miscarriage & Loss

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Answered by klmruthie - Dec. 30, 2013 2:51pm
I have a very similar situation. I have a 5 year old daughter and my DH and I have no "issues". However, after a chemical pregnancy, I miscarried in June at 12 weeks for no apparent reason. I saw a strong heartbeat at 6 weeks. At 8 weeks I started spotting, which continued inconsistently until the miscarriage. During those four weeks, I saw the heartbeat twice in the 140s. The baby was growing faster than expected and everything appeared normal. I knew something wasn't quite right when I starting bleeding the last time. The OB tried to reassure me. He said that at 12 weeks, my chance of miscarriage was only 5%. When he listened with the doppler, he couldn't find a heartbeart. I was devastated, especially for my daughter. I have prayed a lot and have finally come to the point where I trust His will, not my own. I am now 5 weeks pregnant again and I'm nervously optimistic. Remember: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart....and He shall direct your paths."

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Answered by 1stTimeMommy - Dec. 23, 2013 8:51pm
Just relax and enjoy your pregnancy, it goes by really fast ! Stress can actually be really harmful for the baby, just take a deep breath and try not to worry. Look at it this way, if something is going to go wrong in the pregnancy its going to happen wither you stress about it or not (although its much healthier not to stress !) But if you do enough research, despite what anyone else says miscarriage is actually pretty rare especially at 11 weeks. you'll be fine:) don't stress and just enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.

p.s. I found out I was a lot less stressed about my pregnancy by the time I found out the sex at 17 weeks, it gave me some peace of mind.

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Answered by Zarimomy - Dec. 20, 2013 3:26pm
Hi mom I had a miscarriage last year and now pregnant again. Just believe in your creator that's the best advise i can give. Trust in him 100%

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Answered by gotababylady - Dec. 20, 2013 2:28am
Thank you ladies. It's nice to know i'm not alone. Thats a great idea Jennavee I will definitely do that. I am going to pray and try really hard to be more calm and enjoy this pregnancy.

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Answered by Luckymommyto5 - Dec. 19, 2013 10:03pm
I'm suffered a missed miscarriage 2 years ago and was so scared this time I didn't buy anything until 20 weeks! It's normal to be scared. Try to do some projects to keep yourself busy :)

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Answered by jennavee - Dec. 19, 2013 9:55pm
When I was pregnant with my son I was scared the whole time. I was worried that I wasn't taking care of myself right, and he was going to have health problems because of me. I was worried about his development, I was just worried about everything! Not being able to see the baby makes it hard! I found myself wishing my pregnancy to hurry up so he would be on the outside and I could SEE that everything is ok. Now that he's born, I STILL worry! As a mom, I think we just worry about our children! Looking back, I wish I had enjoyed my pregnancy with him a little more. I did find some comfort in talking to him while he was in my belly and cherishing every move he made. Just take good care of yourself and enjoy each moment because they are fleeting!

On a side note, you can always bring the other children to the appointment, have the ultrasound tech check for heartbeat first and calm your fears, then bring them in for the rest of it.

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