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Category: Pregnancy Complications

Asked by Ambience

Q: Fasting Level for Diabetes Blood Test- 6.8 - anything to worry about?

I had a blood test when i was diagnosed with anemia and my fasting blood test was 6.8. Is this anything to worry about? I'm supposed to go back for further tests soon. Will this effect my baby?

This question was asked Feb. 21, 2014 8:17pm
Category: Pregnancy Complications

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Answered by ladybug* - Feb. 24, 2014 9:15pm
Is that your hemoglobin A1C level? If so, it's a bit high and I imagine your provider will want to do further testing. If this is the situation, then it may be best to minimize carbs and focus your diet on proteins and vegetables until GDM has been ruled out. If that 6.8 is your iron level then it's low and your provider will recommend iron.
Maintaining stable blood sugar is important in growing a healthy baby.

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