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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by MrsMeg83

Q: Induction or not? Thoughts?

My doctor informed me today that she will be going on vacation a few days before my due date. I really like her and am comfortable with her (she's been my doctor for 7+ years). She gave me the option of being induced 4 days before my due date when she is on call. This is my first child, so I'm just curious as to the pros and cons of inductions. Thoughts? (I am hoping that baby boy will arrive on his own terms prior to an induction anyway, but I still need to make a decision about a scheduled induction).

This question was asked Mar. 20, 2014 3:14am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by firsttimemommy1120 - Mar. 22, 2014 12:35am
I also HIGHLY recommend "The Business of Being Born"!

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Answered by dakotagurrl - Mar. 21, 2014 6:22pm
I opted for induction for the very same reason, my doctor was going away on Christmas and I had the option to wait for baby to be ready on his own, or be induced so I could have my doctor deliver. I chose the induction (I live in Canada, so money does not talk when dealing with doctors or hospitals). I was induced on 40+2 and baby came out 40+4. I'm very glad with my decision, and dont have a single regret...I plan to go for it again with this one. There were no complications as far as drugs etc, I couldnt care less that I couldnt feel my legs to walk around, I didnt walk around when I could feel them lol! Had I waited for a "natural" labour, I wouldnt have had my OB, and my supposed "6lb" baby boy (as per U/S) that came out as 8lb8oz, wouldve been even bigger and caused more complications w/ getting stuck in the canal and/or an unnecessary csection. I hate to think of what couldve arose from taking that path.

Best of luck with ur decision! =))

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Answered by MrsMeg83 - Mar. 21, 2014 2:43pm
Thank you, everyone, for giving me some food for thought!

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Answered by Srswifey - Mar. 20, 2014 9:13pm
I highly recommend watching 'the business of being born' it addresses pros and cons of being induced. It's available in netflix :)

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Answered by jennavee - Mar. 20, 2014 2:09pm
I'll be honest, when it comes down to the labor part, your doctor is hardly in the room. You labor with nurses in a hospital. The doctor comes in for a couple of progress checks and then to catch the baby.
If there is a medical reason to induce, definitely use best judgement! If there is no medical reason, it's best for both baby and mama to start labor naturally. There are SO MANY complications that can arise from inductions (not saying that always happen, but the chances are much greater) why risk it?
That said, it's a personal decision, and totally up to you and your doctor.

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Answered by lyssa7872 - Mar. 20, 2014 1:51pm
I think I would also plan on induction just so I had my dr., but please be aware that inductions don't always go easy :) Hopefully yours will if you choose to do it. My son was a week late so I was induced by breaking my water, then pitocin, and was in labor for 12 hours with not much cervical progress being made. I was only at a 3 by the 12th hour, so we had a c section. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED my c section and my whole labor experience, just wanted to remind you that if you are really wanting the "natural" scenario, it may or may not happen with induction :) A birth is a birth any way you do it! :)

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Answered by mrsamanda - Mar. 20, 2014 1:36pm
I agree with kaylia. This is also my first, and I would feel more comfortable with my doctor who I am already familiar with, rather than wait and get stuck with some stranger.

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Answered by kaylia2oo5 - Mar. 20, 2014 10:41am
I was induced for both of my kids- high blood pressure with my daughter, and my son was a big boy, so they induced him before he got any bigger. I didn't have a problem at all- she was born about 12hrs after the gel was applied, and he was born less than 6.5 hrs after the gel was applied. If it's only a few days, I'd go for it! You know at that stage in the game that everything is ready to go anyways :)
Plus, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with another Dr that I don't know! Good luck!

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