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Category: Labour & Delivery

Asked by lahcjh

Q: Is this anything? :/

Im 39 wks, dilated to one, 50% effaced. I lost my plug 6 days ago. Have not seen any "show". My discharge the last several days has increased and bcome darker. However, today it was a lot thicker (like more plug) and darker. It's dark yellow, almost orange. Could this be early signs of my show? Or labor?

Also today I'm feeling different. I'm REALLY tired and depressed and out of it. I'm a little more crampy too today than usual. That any sign or labor happening soon?

This question was asked Jan. 25, 2012 12:22am
Category: Labour & Delivery

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Answered by blondemama2acutie - Jan. 25, 2012 3:56pm
It very could well be an indication that labour could be beginning soon, or not lol. With my first son I was dilated, effaced and told to get ready because it could be any day. Well turns out he decided he didnt want to come just yet and I ended up going 10 days overdue. So you just never know!

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Answered by 1stTimeMommy_Aug2012 - Jan. 25, 2012 2:16pm
sounds promising! keep us posted!!

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Answered by kirstyk - Jan. 25, 2012 2:23am
Sounds promising if u want to get it started the best way is to have sex and make sure u and partner orgasm. if thats possible or just make urself orgsm it softens the cervix and alot of my friends have gone into labour withing 2 hours of having sex or orgasming. good luck but it all sounds promising :)

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Answered by Samm0704 - Jan. 25, 2012 12:57am
Think it could be!! Good luck

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